Hand prints galore

Our second day of Ohana Artists saw us working on our large art work. Today we did hand prints on it using orangy pink, red and yellow. Sofie was not so keen on doing the hand prints but when our teachers sang to her while they painted her hands, she became curious and seemed to enjoy it. Now our art work is covered with hand prints and tomorrow we will add something more to it.

???????????????????????????????At the second activity table, this activity took a lot longer because we spoke about the different shapes and sizes that we had to use. We placed them onto a rectangular shaped piece of newspaper in whatever way we wanted to. Shelley demonstrated to us the process of this activity and the shape that she created was of a person. We took the cardboard shapes and placed them randomly and in some cases, with specific purpose. Then we took a sponge paint brush and painted on top of the shapes with black paint. The next part of the process was to put a piece of white paper on top of the painted shapes. We sang a song while we patted the piece of ??????????????????????paper onto the shapes and pretended that we were ironing the paper. Then we slowly peeled the piece of paper off the shapes and…………we had made prints on it.

We have been taking our art works home with us, at the end of the day so that our family at home, can see what we made during Summer School.

In our circle time, we sort of read the book “Brown Bear” but we didn’t really read it. We will explain to you. Shelley asked us if we knew the story and of course, we said “YES” because we think that everyone in the whole world knows this story. So we all asked the “Brown Bear” ??????????????????????together: “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?” and Shelley pretended to be the brown bear and she said: “I see Lilian, looking at me”. Then it was Lilian’s turn and so we went around the circle with many of us looking around the room to see what we could see. Then Shelley asked us whether she should be another animal, so we said: “How about the cat”. So she looked through the book and found the cat and we asked: “Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?” and she then said another person’s name until all of us in the class, had a turn. We remembered all of the animals in the book too.???????????????????????????????

You can see from some of the photos that we like to dress up in our class and are often still in dress ups when we come to do activities. Our teachers let us stay in character as this could inspire us more, when we do activities. When we were going to the park today, we looked at the sky and it looked really black. In fact, we could hear thunder in the distance. We wanted to go outside so we went to play near the shrine where we went recently and then we went to the Nature Reserve, and saw many tiny fish and an orange mummy fish, ???????????????????????????????an orange daddy fish and a baby orange fish. We like to watch the fish swimming, however it started to rain lightly, so we decided to go back to school. When we were inside our classroom, we did some breathing exercises counting all the way up to ten; we stretched our bodies up to the ceiling; we made sounds with our voices e. g. we made deep sounds, soft sounds, high sounds, low sounds etc. We also tried to listen to the different parts of our body and see whether we could hear them. We couldn’t hear our eyes blinking, but we could hear our tongues clicking; we couldn’t hear our noses wiggling but we could hear our fingers clicking etc.

Love always Shelley, Hisami, Goh and Sayaka
