Welcome William
This morning we welcomed Ayaka’s fiancé William to the classroom. It was the first time for us to all to meet him and he immediately created a great rapport with the children who loved his easy and caring nature. Thank you William, and of course a big ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ to the both of you!! Tokutaro arrived and after doing his morning jobs headed straight to the chess board and asked William to play with him. William said he had played chess before and so had Tokutaro so it was an interesting game which Tokutaro won easily. Blue, Ava and Arata saw the wooden and plastic dinosaur puzzles on the table and wanted to start making them immediately. To find where the pieces needed to fit together we had to look at the very small numbers on the instruction sheet and match them to the parts so that we could slot them together.
We managed to finish the plastic one and Ava managed to finish about a third of the wooden one. We will continue with this one tomorrow and hopefully complete it all. We headed for the park as early as we could today as the weather was very warm and took our water bottles with us. We needed to stop playing several times so that we could drink some water as we were soon very hot and sweaty. After we returned form the park we set up the chairs for our end of year performance and Tokutaro and Arata helped us with all the special props for our songs.
They gave them out one by one and it was great to hear the children all reply politely “Thank you”. We decided on the order of our songs and dance and had a lot of fun. We sang very quietly at first and so Darren headed right to the other end of the classroom to listen and watch. The next time we sang we needed to use our bigger song voices and Darren said he could hear us all really clearly form the other end of the room. We asked the children that were sitting how they thought they should sit and where their hands should be and Beckett showed us that he thought our hands should be in our laps.
Those taller children stood with their arms by their sides and all of us thought a big smile would be a good idea. The last part of our practice was a bit of singing and dancing together which was lots of fun. To finish our performance we all stood in a big line and took a nice bow.
On the carpet we had a little time to read one of the children’s favorite books ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ but before we started we asked them to listen and at the end tell us if the caterpillar was a carnivore, a herbivore or an omnivore. They saw the caterpillar eating fruit, leaves and then near the end of the story eating sausage and salami so they decided that the caterpillar was an omnivore, well done!!
Thank you again to William for his help today, the children loved you!! All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and William