What's missing?

Good morning Mr. Sun

The day has just begun

We like to see your smiling face

Good morning Mr. Sun!

Mr. Sun was out today not only making the light all bright and sunny but with his heat too. Phew! We came back from the ???????????????????????????????park with sweaty heads and quite tired and hungry. We ate well and then almost all of us slept and rested quietly after a full day at school.

When we arrived at school there were a whole lot of dolls, lying on the cushion sleeping under a blanket. We have quite a few friends who have babies in our class and some of us who will soon have a baby in the family, so our teachers thought that it would be good to sit and play with the dolls who are similar to babies. Karl has a new baby in his family, called Henry and he enjoyed ???????????????????????????????playing with the dolls, looking at them and sleeping next to them.

We have two more friends who need to make their gifts for our families, tomorrow and a few of us completed ours today. At one of the other activity tables, we had large pieces of coloured paper and drew on them with our friends. Shelley sat with us and we spoke about our faces and bodies and Miyu and Liam managed to drew themselves; they included their facial features, a neck, a tummy, arms and legs in their pictures. This was a big step for them and for many of us who looked at their finished products and were motivated to make one too.

???????????????????????????????Yesterday, we wrote in the journal about our tiny colourful beads, that were in a jug filled with water. During the afternoon. We watched them as they became bigger and tiday when we came to school, they had grown to thri maximum size, which was a little smaller than a marble. When we looked inside the jug, it looked like there were so many, however, when we saw them today on a tray, there were not so many. We touched them and they felt rubbery and if we squeezed them really hard, they crumbled and broke. We enjoyed the sensory play with them ???????????????????????????????this morning and couldn’t believe that tiny little coloured balls could grow so big.

We read a story called “Emergency” which mentioned all the different types of emergency vehicles that there are. There are police cars, fire trucks, helicopters, ambulances, tow trucks etc. We had many friends in our class today all listening to the same story.

We played a brand new game this morning which was to help our visual memory. Shelley asked us a question: “What would you like to eat? I will look inside by box and see if I can find it!” We ???????????????????????????????asked for broccoli, carrot, ice cream, corn, pizza and tomato. So she took them out of our food box and laid them on a big towel. We looked at them carefully and names them all. Then she covered the food with the blanket and we could not see anything. All the fruit and vegetables were hiding underneath the blanket. Then she asked us: “Do you think the very hungry caterpillar is going to come and eat something?” And we answered: “No!” Then she said: “A very hungry teachers is coming to eat something!” And we didn’t believe her! She put her hand underneath the blanket and found something and pretended to eat it. Then she lifted up the ???????????????????????????????blanket and we had to guess, what was missing. She added in a few more things especially since we guessed everything correctly. We will play this game again tomorrow, because we loved it and had so much fun while developing our visual memory skills and more. Thanks for a wonderful day at school today!

Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, Nanako, Ayaka and Goh.
