Remote control friends
The play-dough was very popular on the table this morning and many of us came and used the cookie cutters and tools to make play food.
Next to the play-dough were a set of animal and letters stencils. Jessica, Ava and Olivia did a great job with the stencils and Jessica wrote her whole name using both the capital and lower case letters with colored pens and pencils. On the carpet the wooden trains were also very popular although we needed to limit ourselves to 3 carriages or engines each so that everyone had something to play with. On the second table Jennifer and Adam played a game called ‘Whose left’ where we had to identify one person from around 30 depending on their hair color, if they were wearing a hat, sunglasses etc. After packing away the toys we checked all the things were away properly with our teachers helpers and our library leaders. We headed for the park after snack time
and it was really warm. We brought along some stepping ‘elephants feet’ toys which we all loved. They are a little difficult to walk on at first but we soon got the hang of them.
When we came back to the classroom we sang along to one of our favorite songs at the moment ‘Never give up’. Yesterday we made up some actions to go with our song where we march and then jump up and down when the drum beats. We then read a book titled ‘I can follow the rules’ about respect for our friends, teachers and parents. To finish our circle time we imagined a special remote control that controls all of our friends and teachers. We each came up with a different idea for what it
makes us do. These are the ideas we came up with: Jennifer-Jump and turn, Olivia-Jump, Marc-Walk, Toku-Lie down, Eito-Hop, Adam-Ride a bicycle, Ava-Balanced sit, Riko-star jump using legs, Kosei-Roll, Ethan-Head roll, Ryan-Tap feet, Jessica-Fly like a bird. We had a lot of fun doing all the actions together and cooled down with a few
deep yoga breaths at the end.
Have a great weekend.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka & Nanako