Happy Birthday
Today we celebrated 3 birthdays in flower class; Olivia, Arata and Jennifer all had birthdays in August & September. A big congratulations and a very ‘Happy Birthday’ to all of you. We saw when we came into the classroom today some new construction toys on the small table.
They were soft and felt like rubber. Each of the pieces slotted together to make shapes. They were very easy to put together and both Ava and Jennifer put them together easily. On the main table many of us finished our family drawings. It was great to see Eito spend a lot of time on his drawing and he managed to complete it.
On the carpet the cars and K-Nex construction sets were very popular with Jennifer, Ava and Tokutaro all making helicopters which they used to ly around the classroom.
Marc enjoyed playing with the cars and also the blocks alongside Kosei. Riko, Ethan and Ryan moved through many activities on both the tables as well as on the carpet play area. Soon after we packed away the toys we were all so excited to see Olivia, Arata and Jennifer’s parents arrived for the big party.
We started off by making a big circle together and then a small one. Taking one of the circular mats we decided to see if all of the children could fit on one mat but it was too small. We then saw if all the mummies and daddies as well as the teachers could fit on one mat and holding onto each other we managed it. Yipee!! Together we then all sang “If you’re happy and you know it” and had actions such as turning around, jumping up and down, jumping and turning around and whispering “Happy Birthday”.
We were very lucky as Arata had brought along one of his favorite activities to share with us, a big floor car puzzle. Together we all tried a piece and managed to complete it with only a little help.
Thanks Arata. Jennifer’s mum and dad brought along one of Jennifer’s favorite books ‘The Selfish Crocodile”. It was a great book and told the story of a small mouse who helps the selfish crocodile when he has toothache. The children all listened really carefully and really enjoyed the story. Lastly Olivia’s mum brought us a wonderful book written by her friend titled ‘Maezie’s Pumpkin Patch’ which told the true story of a pumpkin patch destroyed by thieves and how her friends and local people help her.
It was a great story, thank you. We found three crowns and 3 card gifts in the classroom which we gave to Olivia, Arata and Jennifer while singing Happy Birthday to them. Soon we moved to the table as there was a whole feast of cupcakes, popcorn
and fruit jelly waiting for us. After blowing out the candles we had our snack and were sad to say goodbye to the mummies and daddies as they left. Thank you for a wonderful party and all the things you prepared for us. The park was warm and we saw all our friends and siblings in buds and petals class. When we got back we did a really short circle time all about things we like to do or eat. We had so many suggestions including; swimming, running, watching movies, favorite colors, a whole range of food and deserts which we will add to our ‘All about me’ sheets over the next few days. Have a great afternoon,
All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Nanako