If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands
16 September – Daily Journal
It’s great to see Buds waiting for their friends to come in to class and be so excited to play with their friends. Everyone is building up their confidence in daily routines and almost everyone is saying their name during name song time.
This morning we put some water color paint into water and watched the water turn orange. Buds had a lot of fun using the squeezy bottles to squeeze the water into ice cube trays. We ended up tipping out the water again and again so we could have lots of turns to fill the fish with water. We will use them in the water table later in the week.
Buds were also busy ripping paper this morning. We started of practicing ripping newspaper into large strips and then ripped some scrap colored paper. Some Buds wanted to stick the small bits onto paper and ended up making lovely collages. Ripping paper improves coordination, builds finger strength and it’s a great sense of achievement once the children get how to do it and have enough finger strength to do it so we will practice over this term.
In circle time we sang ‘I Wonder What Your Name is?’ and we counted 10 boys and girls in Buds class. This week we are discovering all the different faces and feelings we have. Sharee held up several kinds of faces and Buds could guess some of them and then we made the faces ourselves but sometimes we were laughing when we were trying to make a mad face or a sad face. Once we’d made all the faces ourselves we got up and sang ‘If you’re happy and you know clap your hands, if you’re mad and you know it stomp your feet, if you’re sleepy and you know it, give a big yawn and if you’re sad and you know it cry out loud.
Once we finished dancing we took turns to stick the faces on our ‘How are you feeling today’ mirror. Any time Buds can go up to the mirror and check their faces. Luckily today everyone said they are feeling happy.
We took balls to the park and Buds were busy kicking and throwing the balls but they also like to run away with the ball so it’s a great chance for us to practice taking turns and throwing the ball or kicking it to each other.
We had a little time before lunch to do our sleeping animal game and Buds are getting good at lying down and waking up being different animals. Buds love to call out several animals for us to act as.
Thank you
Sharee and Sayaka