A busy day sorting colors, playing hide and seek and cooking
12 September – Daily Journal
A lovely sunny day and a fabulous end to the week! It’s great to see our Buds so enthusiastic to do all the activities we plan and some spur of the moment activities centered on what Buds are doing and are interested in.
It was fun to stick the shapes on the magnet board. Some Buds even tried to copy the pictures and make ducks, boats or their own ideas. The dramatic play area was busy today with several parties going on.
Is it snowing in Buds class today……On our sensory table we had salt and a rainbow mat. The salt was a bit lumpy so it looked like snow. Buds used their fingers to break up the larger clumps and then used paint brushes to make patterns and shapes. Some Buds did not want to leave the table!
In circle time today Buds helped us to make some more color containers. We have yellow, blue, green, red and orange so we needed to add some more colors. The teachers put a lot of colored items on the table and Buds came over two at a time, chose and item and then put it in the matching container. Once all our Buds had had a turn we put the rest of the items on the floor and Buds finished putting them in the containers. It was a great sorting activity and we got to touch and feel which items were hard and soft. We made purple, pink, black and white containers. We just have brown and maybe grey to go.
Cooking today was so fun and Buds couldn’t wait to eat their delicious milk kakigori. Yesterday we had frozen the milk so today we took it out of the freezer and asked Buds what is was. “Ice” was their answer but they didn’t realize it was milk ice. When Buds took turns to grind it the texture was actually a little different to the shaved ice and it looked very pretty, almost like giant snowflakes. Buds helped to stir our chocolate sauce but when it was time to choose between strawberry or chocolate sauce, surprisingly only one bud chose chocolate.
After we read a couple of books at story time we decided to do a more animated story so we put lots of animals on the floor and after everyone chose one, we did an old time favorite; ‘Brown bear, brown bear what do you see’ story/song. Buds were very happy to hold up their animal when it was their turn.
On the way to the park suddenly we saw lots of white fluff floating in the air. We stopped to take a look and realized it was Dandelions blowing in the wind. We tried to catch some but it was tricky so we took a stem and Buds blew them into the air.
At the park several Buds had fun playing ‘Hide and Seek’. Sometimes Buds hid and sometimes the teachers hid.
Have a great long weekend
Sharee and Sayaka