Sparkly Show and Tell

On the main table today the children saw a lot of foam face shapes along with lots of art materials such as hoop beads, pieces of fabric, sticker eyes, colored yarn, cloth, markers and buttons. They each made a beautiful face artwork using the materials and glue. DSCF8687They look really good and all of the children were really proud of their artwork.DSCF8688 Next to them on the table there were some Montessori puzzles which contained lots of different triangles. From the first box the children had to select two triangles and put the black marked edges together to make a shape, then using the unmarked pieces from the second box the children needed to try and recreate the first shape. It was a little harder than it looked but with a little practice Toku, Riko, Jennifer and Olivia all managed to copy several of the shapes. Jennifer and Kosei today made their plaster hand copies with a play-dough mould and did a nice job mixing the plaster powder with cold water. The play kitchen area was very popular today with many of the children and it was fun watching Eito, Tokutaro and Adam being served play breakfast. Tokutaro found a grater and pretended he was grating daikon and eggs. DSCF8694After clearing away the toys we had a special event: Ava’s ‘Show and Tell’. We all sang our special show and tell song and then Ava showed us three beautiful pictures which her father had bought for her. DSCF8704There was a picture of a horse and two pictures of butterflies. They were covered in sparkly tiles. Ava then answered some good questions and showed us which picture was her favorite, told us how long she had had them for and how to put the stickers in the right places. After snack time we headed for the park and we were surprised to see that there is now a new sign in front of our Step Park flower garden which tells everyone that the garden was made by the children here at the school. Tokutaro practiced his swinging technique while Kosei, Arata, Adam and Jenny helped water the plants we put in yesterday. DSCF8706When we returned form the park we were very hot and so we drank some water and then used a new art material that we had never seen or used before, charcoal. It was very soft and black. We looked carefully at a wooden mannequin and made sure we knew all the body parts starting at the head. DSCF8715We then moved to the table and using the charcoal did a self-portrait with the charcoal. We found that we couldn’t use an eraser with the charcoal easily but could smudge it nicely. The teachers then took the artwork outside to spray it with hairspray to stop the charcoal coming off the paper. We needed to wash our hands afterwards as it was quite messy using charcoal but great fun. DSCF8716After rest time Ava had some of her show and tell mosaic pictures which she wanted her friends to help with and so Tokutaro, Riko, Olivia, and Jennifer all helped put them on the butterfly pictures. Have a great afternoon. All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Goh
