Our First Show & Tell

DSCF8603 This morning we were all excited to see some large ink pads on the tables along with some white paper. Ayaka told us we were going to do prints of our own hands and we needed to write our names on the paper with a pencil all by ourselves. We could choose from yellow, green or red ink. DSCF8593We pushed our hands onto the ink pads and it felt all cold and funny. We then pushed both hands onto the paper and counted to ten. When we lifted them up we had made great hand prints with all the little lines in our hands showing.  On the second table Adam and Marc made their plaster copy hands this morning too. We again pushed our hands into the play-dough and then mixed and poured the plaster into the print. We needed to let the plaster dry for a few hours before we could see the results. The dress up corner and the train set were very popular today with Marc and Ava dressing up like ‘pop stars’. They had on the guitar glasses and held a guitar to play. They looked so cute. DSCF8594We needed to work a little bit on sharing our toys with our friends this morning as some of us forgot that with the trains we could only have 1 locomotive and 2 carriages each so that all our friends would have the chance to play too. After packing away the toys we had something very special; our very first ‘Show and Tell’ for the year. DSCF8607Today was Adam’s turn and so we sang a new song which goes like this:

“Show and Tell”,

“Show and Tell”,

“Today is Adam’s Show and Tell”

“Da dum”

Adam brought in a wonderful book all about tigers. He explained each page and all our friends listened carefully as Adam told us about tigers teeth, their baby cubs, paws, tails and fur. He did a wonderful job and at the end his friends had some questions for him such as “Who gave you the book”?, “What is your favorite page” etc which Adam answered really well. Well done Adam! DSCF8615We all really enjoyed your show and tell today.  We headed for the park after snack as the weather was beautiful today. It was warm in the park and we managed to see all our friends in buds and petals class. We found a big long earthworm on the ground and found it funny because it was all curled up like the number 8. DSCF8617When we got back from the park we talked a little more about sharing and how it made us feel when our friends don’t share. We read a book all about this called ‘I can share’ and we had a good think about things that it is okay not to share. We had some good ideas including; toothbrushes, water bottles, snacks and lunch. Yesterday we compared heights but Ethan, Ryan and Kosei were not with us and so we added their heights to the floor chart. We saw some numbers on a ruler and the teachers told us they were called ‘centimeters’ and we could measure things with them.  DSCF8618The ruler was too small to measure Ava’s height and so we got a tape measure and started to measure our heights before lunch. We will write these down tomorrow morning.

All our Love, Darren and Ayaka.
