We love our friends in our class
So, today is Tuesday and on this day the very hungry catepillar ate two pears and he was still hungry. When we wake up from our nap time, some of us are hungry and our teachers look in our snack boxes to see if we have left overs; and then we eat them. We don’t think that we can eat as much as the very hungry caterpillar did. Lately, we are eating a lot more of our snacks and lunches because we are getting bigger. When we look at the photo of us on the cover of our Portfolios/Workbooks, we look much smaller.
Today we did the same activities that we did yesterday. We did the same cutting out of a circle, square, triangle and diamond; the second activity was drawing and using stickers and the third activity was drawing faces with a pencil. We all love looking at ourselves and when we looked at the mirror, we smiled. We saw our faces and looked at our eyes, nose, ears, mouth, cheeks, eyebrows and hair. When we sit with one of our teachers to do an activity, we always have time
to discuss things in great depth. Just before we drew our faces, we looked at their face, and our face in the mirror and then our friends face who was sitting opposite us. We noticed that we are the same and yet we are different. We all have two eyes, a nose etc, however the shape of our face is not the same; the colour of our eyes is not always the same; the colour of our hair is possibly not the same; and the shape of our nose and mouth too. It was fun to look carfully at one another and observe these things. We then took a pencil and tried to draw our face on a piece of white paper. This is what we call a “self portrait”. Our teachers have already pasted them into our workbooks.
We sang our cabbage song and “hello” song and today we had so many friends in the class, this took a really long time. We are preparing in a spontaneous way for our end of year party with our parents and love hearing the “Very Hungry Caterpillar” story read to us over and over again. Hisami taught us a song about the very hungry caterpillar which she translated from Japanese to English.
Shelley had two appointments today so she didn’t come with us to the park. In fact, only Ohana children and one other small school in the neighbourhood, came to the park, so there was plenty of space for everyone.
Pauline and Haruto were so happy to see one another this morning, they shared a big hug on arrival. We have made some beautiful friendships in our class and will be sad to say goodbye to some of our friends who are returning to their home countries at the end of this school year. We have loved being their classmates and all of us being a part of the Ohana family together.
During circle time, Hisami demonstrated colouring and cutting to us with similar shapes to the ones that we have been working with since yesterday. The shapes are a circle, square, triangle and diamond. She taught us how to keep our thumbs looking at the sky when we are cutting and to move the paper and not our arms. We enjoy watching our teachers do things as they are our role models and guide us through all the challenges that we face each day.
Thanks for a fun day at Ohana today. We know that tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy day……….
Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, Nanako, Ayaka and Goh.