Carnivore or Herbivore?
We hope you all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine and experienced a warm and sunny day today. The children noticed the special activity on the table and used lots of colored paint markers including silver and gold on their own personal gifts for the end of the year. They are being very secretive about their gifts and although they may want to tell you all about what they decorated today we hope they will still be a bit of a surprise. On the main table there were lots of junk art materials again today and many of the children came to start their dinosaur models or add more color or details. Olivia did a great job with tubes and with a little help put together a whole dinosaur model. On the carpet Sophie tried a really hard wooden ‘Lobster’ puzzle.
It is a hard puzzle because it is double sided and the pieces will not fit together if they are the wrong way up. Marc was our ‘clean up leader’ today and helped us check that all the toys, games and puzzles were put away properly. After snack time we got ready for the park and because of the weather made sure that all the children had sun screen and mosquito spray on. We went to Amishiro park today to give our flowers some water after the hot weekend. We took along the big watering cans and some smaller ‘PET’ bottles.
It was funny watching Jennifer, Clodia and Ava working together to carry the watering can when it was full. We had a great time on the slide and in the sand box and we took it real slow there and back because of the hot weather. We also made sure we drank lots of water in the park too.
After returning from the park we played a game using the overhead projector a dinosaur book, some animal toys and the dinosaur toys. The book was titled ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs Go Wild’ which started off with Harry visiting a safari park and seeing some endangered animals such as the Sumatran tiger. The book describes the meaning of endangered and we then chose some animals to put on the projector and looked at the shadows while asking “Is this a tiger”?
Sometimes the animals were as the book described but sometimes other animals such as a cow, giraffe etc. We then got to choose a carnivore or a herbivore to put on the projector too. Sometimes we got it right, and put the right kind of animal and sometimes we didn’t. It is really hard to decide which animals are herbivores and which are carnivores just by looking at them huh! All our Love, Darren, Nanako and Ayaka.