Coming to the end of the school year

We are working towards bringing this school year to its closure and our teachers are busy organizing things in order to be well prepared for next week. This week is busy too as there is the Parent/Teacher party and BBQ and next week are our end of year parties. As people often say in English, “there is so much DSCF3206 to do, and so little time” or “time flies when you are having fun”. It has been a fun year and especially great to have moved so smoothly into our new school and now being able to enjoy it with our teachers and our friends.

Upstairs, when Sofia, Jennifer and FJ arrived at school they saw a game in the closet called “Mousetrap”. They asked Darren and Ayaka if they could play it so they took it out and set it up. We had to follow some instructions on how to assemble it, lay the board out and only then, could we play. It took a while and then we were all set. It was funny watching the ball roll around the track setting off traps for the mice. Soon Beckett and Noa were interested so they played another game called “Cat andDSCF3215 Mouse” which had cheese and moving pieces. We really enjoy playing board games at the tables and understand how to wait and take turns and follow rules etc.

We took our bottles to the park again today as we almost always want to have a drink.

DSCF3216In the library we read the book called “The Ugly Duckling” and then our teachers asked us what they thought the “ugly duckling” wanted to be when it grew up. Did it want to be a duck? “No”, we told our teachers, it wanted to be a swan, maybe. We spoke about different jobs that people do and we looked at some flashcards with pictures of different professions or jobs. We were not sure of all of the names and tried to work out what the different people were doing. Then our teachers asked us whether we would like to do some of the jobs that were described on the cards. Miya was happy to be a flight attendance but Jennifer didn’t want to be a waitress. Sofia wantedOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA to be a Policewoman while Nico did not want to be a firefighter. FJ wanted to be a Dentist while Sean didn’t want to be a taxi driver. Beckett was happy to be a Chef while Noa didn’t really want to be  Hairdresser.

We sang “You are my sunshine” in preparation for our party with our parents next week. Some of us left our clean school T-shirts at home, and our teachers asked if we could bring them to school so that we have one to wear to the park tomorrow.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADownstairs, we continued working on our hearts and have a few more to do. We also did an activity with special punches that you squeeze with your hand. You can change the shape cutters that make the different shapes come out. We made suns, flowers, hearts, stars, apples and teddy bears. We slid a piece of origami paper into the slot and then squeezed and out popped a beautiful colourful shape.

We are avid puzzle makers as we have told you before and here you can see us doing a floor puzzle and using the Wedgits. We spent most of free play alternating between dressing up and creating a picnic on the floor. We had a huge beautiful cloth on the floor and we put cups and cutlery on it. Tokutaro was the waiter and he served us while we were sitting on the floor. We sang a few songs that we will be singing for our party next week when our parents come to school. We sang “I am special”, “I hear thunder”, “Twinkle twinkle little star” and “The ABC song” as a canon. We also sang our snack and lunch time songs in a whisper.

Our story today was called “Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?” This was different from the other stories that we have read with baby bear and brown bear. In these stories, the words say “what do you see” however this one was “what do you hear”. We remembered that we see with our eyes and we hear with our ears. It was another fun story with lots of great illustrations and repetitive words.

Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine
