Birds in eggs
Oh what a busy lovely day at school it was. We had our tables full of our exciting activities to do when we arrived at school. Upstairs, we made an early start to the park so that we could enjoy being outside before it became too hot. We took our snacks with us and had a lovely time playing and then we sat together with our friends and teachers in the shade, and ate our snack. We spent a lot of time using the large slide that goes into the sandbox and the twirly one that has the precarious step ladder up to the top. Then FJ and Jennifer spotted some ants and they decided to build them a house with a pool and even some steps to help the ants climb the concrete kerb. When we arrived back at school, we read the book “Captain Duck” and then we took out another book from the library called “The Sesame Street Question and Answer Book about Animals”. We noticed that the eggs in the book were not all white but came in many different colours and sizes. We realized and some of us remembered that many different kinds of animals hatch out of eggs. We tried to remember which ones and these were the ones that we thought of: FJ – snakes; Nico – turtles; Ava – ants; Beckett – snails; Jennifer – crocodiles and Sean – fish.
We then looked at Captain Duck’s webbed feet and saw that like penguins, ducks have webbed feet. We saw also how penguins keep their eggs off the ice when they lay them. We each chose a plastic egg and experimented with different writing utensils to see which ones worked on the plastic eggs. In the end we found that the Poscas worked best, so we decorated our eggs with Poscas and placed our paper clay birds inside the eggs. We now have a cute collection of colourful birds and eggs on display in our classroom. Downstairs we busied ourselves at the activity tables throughout the day. The selection of activities that we had was; decorating hearts for our teachers, putting pegs on the edge of containers to strengthen our fingers, animal stamps with ink pads and stickers as well as some puzzles. Luckily we love drawing so we don’t mind doing heart after heart after heart for our teachers’ birthday wishes. The other drawing and paper activity we had today was with animal stamps, drawing materials and stickers. Our theme this month and extending all the way to the end of the school year is “I can……” and our teachers are thinking of activities for us to do that build on the skills that we already have while challenging us as well. We love using stamps; some that we have to put on stamp pads and others that already have ink on them. There was a selection of Australian animals on small stamps and the others were African jungle animals that we used on stamp pads. The second part of this activity was drawing on the paper and the third part was putting stickers on our pictures. Instead of us choosing from a large container of stickers our teachers cut some out and grouped them together for us to use. There were pictures of animals and butterflies.
Besides all of our fantastic clothes and jewels in our dress up corner in our class, we now have a shoe selection, which is in agreement with most of our tastes. Today some of us were wearing them together with our beautiful dress up costumes. We have such a large selection of things to wear now, that it is not often that our teachers have to assist us with disputes. We spent time doing a few more activities to strengthen our fine motor skills. Today we used some thin wax strips and made shapes with them. They come in many beautiful colours and can be molded into any shape that you want. We also did some more squeezing and pinching with regular clothes pegs on the rims of containers. We had a wonderful story today all about the days of the week. We sang “There are seven days in a week”. Then we sat and looked at the book while Shelley read it to us. On each day there was a picture of an animal and something that they like to eat. We also liked some of the things that they were eating. We also learnt that today was Wednesday.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine