Preparing for Mother's Day
Our teachers will try to no longer comment on the weather in our journals, trusting that from now on we will be enjoying lovely sunny days as the one we did today. We spent a beautiful part of the morning playing in the park and we love going to the tap to fill our containers up with water and then bring them back to the sandbox. One of our favourite things is pouring the water on the water wheel and watching it spin round and around. We do this many times during our time in the park and the other thing that we love to do, is mix the sand and water together and make cakes. Our teachers observe us all the time as we explore our world. They are particularly in admiration of those of us who do not have a care in the world about getting wet or covered in sand and mud. Sometimes we get so engrossed in what we are doing, this is more important than worrying about being clean etc.
You can also see from the expressions on our faces, when we are working, we concentrate really hard and don’t hear or pay attention to anything else that it going on around us. We are good at staying focused on tasks. Upstairs we had a wonderful selection of beads to use for threading. We made necklaces or bracelets, depending on our choice. We are preparing for Mother’s Day and we prefer not to give too much detail about what we are doing.
In the library we read the non fiction book called “My First book of Animals – Birds” and we sang “Five little ducks”. We have been learning about “Opposites” so on the way to the park, we played an “Opposite” game. Our teachers say a word and then we have to think of the “opposite” word e. g. up and down; big and small; high and low; hello and goodbye etc.
We made bright coloured pictures for our key rings which we took apart and reassembled. We decorated hearts on paper using coloured pencils, sparkly pens and markers; when we had finished decorating them, we pasted pictures of our faces onto the back of the hearts. We placed them carefully onto either a heart or circle key ring shape and then clipped it shut. These will be something special that we use for Mother’s Day.
Downstairs we are also preparing for our Mother’s Day breakfast on Monday morning. We are preparing a gift as well as the breakfast meal and some songs. While we were walking back from the park, we sang one of the songs. We really like the “Copy Cat” song, so we will sing this one too and then we have our new favourite where we ask our friends to tell us two of their favourite foods and we sing a song about this. Maybe our mums can choose their two favourite foods too!
We sat at the table individually with Shelley who asked us some questions about our mums. Some of them we were able to answer and some of them were a little difficult, especially for those of us whose language is still developing. In fact some of the answers that we gave were more about ourselves than our mums.
We had a selection of magazines at another table that we cut pictures out of. We enjoyed paging through the magazines but found that there were so many pictures; we didn’t know what to cut out. We asked our teachers to help us and they tore out some pages and we cut them up. Tokutaro is really good at cutting and he spent a long time cutting out many pictures.
We read stories together and practiced our songs for Monday. We met a little boy called Koh today who came to look at our school. He ate snack with us and enjoyed playing with the cars. We like welcoming new friends to our class.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.