Day 2 with Kevan and Jackie
Our school is looking so beautiful with all the magnificent flowers that arrived last week and now today for the Opening Party tonight. We are really enjoying our new location and hope that the people who are coming to visit our school tonight, will enjoy being here too.
This morning we welcomed Kevan and Jackie to our classroom and they had so many activities prepared for us. We started off with a story about insects e.g. butterflies, caterpillars, beetles, spiders, centipedes, bees and ladybugs which was called “Bugs”. Then we made bugs from a special box that she had brought for us for England. There were paper plates, stickers for eyes, legs, antennae, and lots of bright fun colours to use. The second story was called “Mad about Minibeasts”. We sang two songs that we know about bees for Kevan and Jackie. We sang “Here is the beehive” and then we sang “Wake up” which is the song that Shelley learnt when she was little just like we are now. They were surprised at how much we knew about bees; that they drink juice which is called nectar from the flowers and they collect pollen too and take them back to the hive to make honey. We still
can’t believe that once upon a time, our teachers were little and they also went to preschool where they were born.
We had snack time and then we did another two activities. The one was similar to the painting activity that we did yesterday. Jackie and Kevan brought with them paper folded in half just the same as the paper that we painted on yesterday except their paper had half of a butterfly drawn on the one folded side and the other half of the butterfly drawn on the other side. Once again we painted on the one side, folded over the paper and then shmoodged it and made beautiful patterns. The last fun activity was just like magic. We each had the shape of a butterfly which was black. We took a stick and scratched hard on the black and the most beautiful bright colours came out. Some of us attached them to our school bags.
The lucky last thing that Jackie did was read us two stories and what is even more special is that she gave us the two books which we can keep in our library. We will look in the books to check if they wrote their names in them as we would like them to. The one book is called “The Hiccupotamus” and the small one is called “But not the hippopotamus”. A big hug and kiss to Jackie and Kevan for coming to spend today with us. We will miss you when you leave Japan. Come back soon! Upstairs, some of us added details to our pirate ships at the one activity table. During free play time, many of us like to come to the tables to do activities and then go and play with something of our choice. We added wooden pieces for the back of the ship and we used markers to complete the sails and the sides. Emily and FJ started to decorate a card for Jamie as he will be leaving Japan really soon. We are still not 100% sure but we will definitely be having a party for him so that we can say a proper goodbye to him. The book that we read today was called “At the
beach”. It is a rhyming book about things that you see or do when you go to the beach. We had three activities to do at the tables today. The one was splitting plastic streamers to make green sea weed for our group picture. The second one was using paper tape and markers to make a second kind of seaweed to attach to the background and the third one was completing the fish, starfish, dolphins, puffer fish etc using fabric, markers, pens, coloured pencils and tape.
We will attach the fish to the background tomorrow morning and hide the smaller fish in amongst the seaweed. We hope that our mums, dads and teachers have a great “hikoshi iawai” tonight and we wish Ohana all the best for our new school.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.