Get better soon birthday boy William

It was such a lovely day outside when we went to the park. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, children like us were laughing and having fun while playing and we are so looking forward to not having to wear our big puffy coats that keep us warm when we are outside. Shelley DSCF5374stayed inside because Santiago has a cough and we told her when we came back to our classroom that we had a great time running around with our friends. We were all smiling and happy and full of energy and of course, hungry too.

Downstairs we had a wonderful new enormous puzzle to do as a group or individually, on the large table. It was a Winnie the Pooh puzzle and we noticed that one of his friends was celebrating their birthday; and whoever it was turned three, just like some of us. There were three candles on the cake and we sang ‘happy birthday’ to Piglet as she was smiling the most, so it seemed to us, that it was her birthday. Our teachers said that they didn’t know if Piglet was a boy or girl. Piglet’s clothes are pink so we all made the assumption, based on gender bias with pink being for girls, that Piglet was a “she”.DSCF5375

At the second activity table we had some hearts for our friends to decorate, for Clodia’s birthday which we probably will celebrate in our new school. Clodia will then be the first child to have her birthday there. Santiago, Liam and Abiya made their hearts for her. Santiago did some cutting during the morning as well.

We had fun using musical instruments, singing and dancing together with our friends and teachers. We first listened to the more calming music that has “The sun shines on everyone” on it and then we listened to the Wiggles CD. We held hands with partners and danced together and then we all had a turn to sing solo. We chose “Twinkle, twinkle little star”; “There was a farmer had a dog”; “ABC song”; “Wake up it’s a lovely day”; and we sang our “hello” song.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAUpstairs, we had a busy morning playing with felt boards and shapes. We made interesting pictures using the shapes and then we all helped shred some of our recycled paper in the shredder. Our arms were quite tired from winding the arm of the shredder. Andres Felipe was so kind to Sean while he was winding the arm to shred the paper. He put his hand on top of Sean’s to help him. And when they had finished shredding the paper together, they gave each other a “High Five”.

We were really curious yesterday when we painted paper with lemon juice and saw the design come to life using fire from the stove. Today we did this again and we all wanted to watch to see what happened and sure enough, the lemon juice patterns which were a path to hidden treasure came to life.DSCF5378

Our story today was called “Pirates Love Underpants”. It was such a funny title for a story and we laughed even before Darren started reading the story. There were lots of patterns in the book and when it came to doing an activity, we used these patterns as our inspiration. We searched around the classroom to see if we could find patterns and these are some of the ones that we found e. g. stripes on clothes; checks on the library carpet; scales in patterns on the rainbow fish book cover; holes in the toy box; hearts on Miya’s shoes; flowers on Sofia’s tights. We realized that there are patterns all around us. If you look at the windows in our classroom, there are diamonds on them; if you look at the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAcables on top of the poles, they make line patterns; if you look at the floor when you walk in the train station, there are square shapes. Patterns are everywhere!

It was another fun day at Ohana with our friends and teachers. We are looking forward to seeing our new school since we have started helping our teachers, pack some things into boxes. We think that there are going to be some amazing new things there! Yoohoo!

Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.
