Miya's party at school
Valentine’s Day has come and gone however there is still love in the air. Today we celebrated Miya’s fourth birthday and had a fabulous party with her mum and dad. We had the party a little earlier than usual as Friday is our KIDFIT exercise day and this makes our schedule a little tighter than on other days of the week. We had a beautiful chocolate cake that was pink inside, blueberries, strawberries and popcorn for our morning snack. We sang “If you’re happy and you know it” and chose many different actions to do in the song. We chose clap your hands, shout ‘happy birthday’, jump up and down, turn around etc. Miya wore a crown which we all helped decorate and we think that she loved her chain of hearts that we made for her. On the one side of the hearts we made patterns and drew pictures and on the other side we sent her messages. Our teachers wrote the messages for us. Patrick, Miya’s dad read a book called “Rumble in the Jungle” which is one of Miya’s favourite books. When our teachers asked us what are some of the things that we do on a birthday, Jamie said: “Give hugs”. So we all gave Miya a hug. We want to say a big thank you to Miya and her mum, Carolin and her dad, Patrick for their generosity and for making our Friday morning full of fun and feasting.
During story time we read another story about trains. We have three stories about trains that we have read now. Today’s story was called “The Runaway Train” and the other two are “The Little Red Train” and “The Great Big Little Red Train”. We love trains and in our theme about “Transport” we have learnt about and made trains and some of our friends have built train tracks and played with our trains each week. We have trains that are plastic and wooden trains. The plastic ones have batteries inside and they can move all by themselves whereas the wooden ones we have to push with our hands.
Downstairs we have been learning about the days of the week and learnt that there are seven days in one week. We have a song that we sing that goes like this “There are seven days in a week”. Today is Friday. We have been sitting in a circle and trying to count one another sequentially. The first person next to Shelley says one and the next one says two and so on. Yesterday Abiya was number four. When she came to school her dad told us that our counting in this way had made her confused about her age. She told her mum and dad that she was four but she really is three. We have been counting our fingers and playing games with numbers in order to help us understand number concept. We will continue to do so and then maybe we will understand that when we count our friends in a circle, this is not in any way related to how old we are!
Today we missed Tokutaro and Vincent as they are both sick. We think that it is a good thing that they are at home getting better because it is a really cold day and the weatherman said that it is going to snow later. Brrrrrrr.
We did some new activities individually with our teachers at the table today. Shelley sat opposite us which means she sat on the other side of the table looking at us. Each of us had a white board and white board markers. We spoke about our faces and made a big circle on the white board. Then we spoke about our facial features viz. two eyes, a nose and two nostrils, a mouth, two ears on the sides of our head and hair on top of our head. We drew our face on a piece of paper as well and took a photo of the one that we had drawn on the white board.
We swopped our person puzzle upstairs. We had the girl and now we have the boy.
On the left is Clodia; in the middle is Olivia and on the right is Lily.
We had a great time in KIDFIT today where we are still learning about the heart and all the things that we need to do to make it work optimally. There were only three of us in the classroom downstairs today and we had four teachers. In fact, Shelley was able to work in the office when we went outside to the park with Sabine, Nanako and Liezl. Shelley was so happy to stay inside as she really doesn’t like the cold, cold weather. She thinks that if it is cold like this, it must snow so we can really see why it is cold.
We hope that all of our friends and teachers have a great weekend and stay warm inside when it is snowing.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.