Gardening Day
It was a lovely sunny day today for our “Gardening in the park” however it was freeeeeeezing. The wind was so cold and our teachers had hands that felt like ice blocks. Brrrrr. We had a fun time though, digging with the shovels and making a trough so that our flowers could be deep enough in the ground. Darren loosened the soil so that it was easy for us when we had to dig ourselves. It also made the earth soft for when we scooped it back to cover around the base of the flowers. We had a selection of flowers that were beautiful colours e.g. red and yellow; yellow; purple and yellow; pink and yellow; blue and white and orange. In fact when we were chatting together Shelley asked us which one was our favourite and we didn’t really know which one to chose. They are all beautiful. Afterwards, we went to the tap and filled bottles and jugs of water and then watered the flowers. We hope that tomorrow it will not be too cold and our flowers will survive.
We will take care of them and water them whenever we are in the park in order to ensure that they are fed sufficiently, just like our mums, dads and helpers take care of us. Our teachers were also chatting about our garden in the park and what will happen when we move to the new building. They said that the older children of Ohana can continue this project and walk to the park here in this neighbourhood to keep our Ohana garden alive. We were happy to hear this!
In the park, one of our favourite things to play with is the wagon. We were given two wagons and this means that only two children can really play with them or if someone is happy to sit inside the wagons then four children can play with them. We all love the wagons and sharing them can be challenging for some of us. In the older class upstairs, we read the book “No moon, no milk” and in the book it mentions about a wagon in the story. In fact, the story mentions many forms of transport including roller skating, surfing, cycling, wagons and spaceships, plus of course the other regular forms of transport. Darren found a wagon kit in the cupboard in the office downstairs so he thought that we could build it together and have a third wagon to play with in the park.
Each of us took a piece from the kit and we screwed the different parts together using a screwdriver, a wrench and a hammer. We looked at the plan carefully so that we put the correct parts in their correct place. We then tried to pull the cart around our classroom to see if it worked properly. We look forward to taking it to the park soon.
Downstairs we sang our good morning song with different actions and different languages. We enjoyed playing with play dough and Abiya and William did their masks for Setsubun. Goh san cut them all out so that we can wear our own one tomorrow. We are not scared anymore. Susan read to us this morning while we were on the mat. She read us the story about Tasty Poems which is a rhyming story. It also helps us remember certain types of foods that we are not familiar with. We played the game that Shelley taught us last week when we each took a fruit or vegetable from the basket and sang what it was. It goes like this:
“I have some food; What is your food; I have some food; What is your food; I have some food, and my food is…………..”
Then we all sang the initial sound of the food and at the end we said the name of the food again. It was fun. We missed Santiago and Andres Felipe as they were sick today and we wish them well. We were so happy to see Abiya today and are glad that she is better. We missed her so much last week and her mum and dad said that she missed us too.
Tomorrow is forecast to be a really cold, rainy and possibly snowy day.
We hope that all of our friends can be at school tomorrow to share in another lovely day.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.