Transport, cooking and hiding
Tuesdays is the day when we have less children in our class downstairs however our friends upstairs seem to be busy with a full class each day. Vincent was away having his second flu shot and we hope that he is feeling okay since having it. We hope that Abiya is not getting sick again as we missed her today and Shoko is with her grandma in Nagano. We hope that she will be back at school soon and that Kumi is resting.
In these photos Tokutaro is under the table thinking that our teachers cannot see him because his eyes are closed; Lily is trying to put her “Peter Pointer” finger up as we sang ‘Where is thumbkin’ and William is playing with the wooden cars. We danced to the Wiggles CD which we haven’t done for a long time and tried to learn the song “Yawn, yawn, yawn”. In our circle time, we sang our “hello” song and then sang our good morning song where we show different feelings on our faces. We like the smiling happy face the best and Lily always reminds us to sing those words.
When we arrived at school this morning Tokutaro wanted to be a bee and buzz around the room. He found the bee puppet and we played the music and when the music stopped, he found a flower, just like we did yesterday, rolled in the pollen and then drank up the sweet nectar. Then we lay down on the carpet and rested because being a worker bee is tiring. We sang “Here is the beehive” and “Wake up it’s a lovely day”.
Upstairs we were really busy working on our junk art modes of transport today.
We love working at the tables, making things and being creative. Our teachers find that we learn so much this way; sharing materials like tape; having conversations with one another about what we are doing; helping one another with the tape so we can hold the parts of our constructions in place; taking turns; this is what our teachers say is the best learning as we are having fun at the same time. Sometimes we even get ideas from our friends and they think it is a complement if we use their idea.
We are trying to see that everyone gets a chance to be the bus driver and today Andres Felipe won the dice roll and was the bus driver. We all handed our tickets to him as we got on the bus and we sang “The Wheels of the bus” as he drove off from the bus stop. In the library we read “The Wheels on the bus” once again and know almost all of the vehicles mentioned in it e.g. helicopter, hot air balloon, kite, airplane etc. Many of us have had the opportunity to go on a real bus. In Japan the buses are very well organized as you get on in the front and you get off at the back. There is a button that you push which alerts the bus driver to the fact that you want to get off at the next stop. He has a special button which controls the doors.
Ayaka cooked zoni for us with mocha and carrots and daikon. We had fun cutting the daikon and carrots into beautiful flower shapes. We used silver cutters and had to push down really hard so that the cutter would cut through the vegetables. We touched the mocha so that we could feel it before it was toasted in the oven and it felt hard. Then when it came out of the oven it had expanded and was soft. It became even softer when it was inside the soup. Yummmmm!
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.