We're going on a bear hunt

We welcomed back Beckett, Clodia and Jamie to the classrooms today from their winter break. They were all so keen to tell us about their travels but first they needed to complete their morning ‘jobs’. It was Beckett who first noticed there was something different on the 3rd floor daily sign in sheet: an extra column with 2 small digital clocks sitting above the sheets. Today we also started to write numbers on our sign in sheet showing the time. Tokutaro and Clodia were having a great time together watching the oil and water bubbles drop and move around in the hourglasses which Shelley had bought in Okinawa over the winter break. They even noticed that the bubbles on one of the containers was the same pink as on Clodia’s T-shirt and the yellow the same as on Tokutaro’s stripy bumble bee shirt. Clodai and Tokutaro then moved to the small table near the window for some puzzle action and also took turns with the wooden horse. DSCN9372Santiago and Abiya soon arrived and joined their friends at the table with the new red play-dough. Upstairs Beckett and Andres Felipe got the large train set out to play with and were very cooperative. They put together one long train track and then built themselves a train with carriages each. When they put the trains on the straight track there was very little room for them to move the trains back or forwards and so they compromised by each of them moving their train off the track when their friends train was coming through. Jamie, Nico, Beckett and Andres came to the table to make some beautiful heart shaped birthday cards for Sophie’s, Emily’s, Ayaka’s and Sean’s birthday’s this month.In story time the children on the second floor enjoyed listening to some of their favorites ‘Where’s Spot’? and ‘Spots First Walk’. They love these books because they each get a turn to lift the flaps in the books. After snack time we all headed to the park together and saw how Tokutaro loved playing soccer with Nico and Beckett. They spent nearly the entire time running after the ball and each other. Jamie spent his time in the sand box along with Andres Felipe and Santiago who decided the slide was nice and dry and perfect for sliding down. In circle time we all got together and sang our ‘good morning’ song and also sang ‘A ring a ring of roses’ with the older ones helping the younger children do the actions. We then settled to look at a book titled ‘We are going on a bear hunt’.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Today they decided that it would be great if they could do the actions to go with the story and so we all stood up and moved through the ‘Swishy Swashy Grass’, ‘Splash, Sploshed’ and swam across the river, ‘squelched’ through the mud, ‘stumbled and tripped’ through the forest, ‘whooshed’ through the snowstorm and ‘tiptoed through the cave. We then got out some colored bear counters but we were not afraid because the ‘bear hunt’ book said not to be afraid. We then each took it in turns to throw a soft fluffy dice into the air and see how many spots were facing upwards.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA We then counted out the same number of colored bears before putting them back according to their color. The dice flew very high and it was very funny watching it bounce softly around.  Meanwhile Jamie and Beckett were trying their hand at some Japanese Shuji (Calligraphy) as they missed out on this yesterday morning. It was with much sadness that Shelley had to leave us this morning as she is feeling unwell and we all wish her a speedy recovery and hope to see her tomorrow morning.

Love always, Darren, Shelley, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine.
