Eat healthy food, do exercise and sleep
Today marks the end of the first week of December this year and it was full of fabulous fun and learning. Upstairs FJ, Beckett and Margo spent time adding pieces to their holiday pictures that they started yesterday. We had a wonderful selection of things to use including sparkly pipe cleaners, gold tape, silver paper, green vinyl tape, pom poms as well as markers. We cut things out, drew pictures and pasted collage materials onto our pages. On the carpet Nico and Shoko dressed up in some of the clothes that we have in our Dramatic play area and said that they were “mum and dad”. FJ and Margo drew in Oliver and Eva’s card and Nico and Oliver made another card for the large canvas. We were sorry to miss Jamie and Miya today and are glad to know that Miya is a lot better, and Jamie was just having a day off from “work”.
After snack time we practiced our earthquake drill and this time, we don’t need to cover our mouths with our hands (unless there is smoke from a fire). Darren blew a whistle and we knew that we had to go under the table straight away. We then walked down the stairs as if we were evacuating to the park. We walked really carefully as the steps are steep and there are many of them.
During circle time, we sang “The snake is in the grass” which focuses on the “s”sound; “Ants on my arm which focuses on the “a” sound; “When I watch the tennis game” which focuses on the ‘t” sound; “Hear the airplane” which focuses on the “n” sound; “We are clicking castanets” which focuses on the “c” sound and ‘Eggs in the pan” which focuses on the “e” sound. We had turns to write the lower case “e” on the white board. We also listened to the song “Inky the mouse is my pet” which focuses on the “i” sound. The “i” is an easy letter to write as it is just one short straight line with a dot on top.
We danced to the monkey dance and the book that we read was called “On the day you were born”. We were all born on different days but when we are all born, our families celebrate our birth, we are taken care of and given plenty of love. We may have different names and look different but we all need the same things. We need love, caring, good health and friendship and we are so lucky because we get these things from our families and from our school.
Downstairs we spent the morning doing activities with collage materials, glue, paper and tape. We were so busy with our Festive Season collages that we actually didn’t have time to continue making circles with our red and green paper. We will work on them on Monday when we return to school after the weekend. At the table we had a selection of red, green, gold, silver and white collage materials. There were sparkly pom poms, sparkly pipe cleaners, matchsticks, sparkles, cup cake holders and green, red, gold and silver markers and pens. We first drew on our pages and then we pasted things on to the paper. They look so pretty and Eva told us that hers was a monster; maybe a Christmas monster!
Ava made a card for Bong her beautiful helper as it is her birthday and we also spent time drawing and trying to write our names. We used our cards with our names on them and tried to copy the letters which for us is a little challenging. We showed our teachers the names that we wrote and they said that they were proud of us because they looked like “proper writing”.
In our KIDFIT class we continued learning about our mouths. We remember that we have an upper lip, a lower lip, a tongue, our upper teeth and our lower teeth. Our lower jaw is the only part of our mouth that can move and we can also wiggle our tongues. We know that broccoli and apples are healthy food and good for us to eat and we also know that chocolate is “boo boo” and Jet tells us this every week. We remembered that we need to do exercise to stay healthy and have enough sleep. We tried to balance bean bags on the soles of our feet; we used the long yellow noodles and pretended that they were our toothbrushes moving them from side to side as well as up and down; we wore a mitten on our one hand and held hands with a partner and we laughed a lot!
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine