Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween to you
Happy Halloween to you
We hope you had a fun time
Dressing up with us too!
Today was such a busy fun day at school. We arrived at school to find a witch and a wizard upstairs in the classroom and downstairs there were so many pirates but where was their ship? And then later in the morning some other creatures arrived; big ones that sort of looked like our mums! There were small creatures at school today; it felt like we were in another land and another time. Maybe, it was Halloween land. We met a giraffe, a monster, Spiderman, a princess, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, a cat, a ladybug, a Japanese girl, a bee, a chipmunk, a pumpkin, a fireman, a butterfly, a witch, a bat and a fairy.
We knew that we were going to have so much fun today and were surprised to see our snack table filled with amazing things to eat. We had pumpkin bread, star shaped cookies, sweet potato cake, blue berries, crackers and cheese, pumpkin seed cupcakes, bat jelly, ghost cupcakes, fruit and our plates, cups and napkins were special Halloween ones.
Upstairs, we started off our day with some magic. We looked at a real coin and then put it on top of a small pink cup. We then covered the cup with another pink cup and said “abracadabra”. We lifted the cup and the coin had disappeared. And then it appeared amazingly behind Beckett’s ear. We could not believe it!
We all sat together with our mums, dads and grandparents and sang our good morning song. We played fun games especially for Halloween. In the first one we had to wear a blindfold and a friend of our choice, spun us around a few times. We had to then try to pin the nose on the Jack-o-lantern in the correct place. Margo, Noa and Jamie were the nearest. Our second game was throwing the monsters eyes in a bucket. We had orange ping pong balls with monster’s eyes drawn on them. We had to try to throw them into a bucket. Our teachers moved the bucket closer to us and then further away from us to make it more easier and then to make it more difficult. The last game was pass the parcel. We each received a gift when we unwrapped a large parcel.
Downstairs we stood together in a circle and held hands with our friends, teachers and mums, and did some actions to a song. Then we sat down and sang our morning “Hello” song. Our mums learnt really quickly how to sing all the words of the song. Then we played pass the parcel as well and we were really eager to hold the parcel and tear the paper off. We learnt that we had to keep on passing it until the music stopped. In the end we all received a little Halloween candy bag. Our second game was throwing eyeballs into a large Halloween box. We sat and threw them in and then we stood and threw them in. We had many chances to do this and were happy to take our monster eyeballs home at the end of the day.
Our last game was a dancing game with Halloween pictures. We had a selection of Halloween picture symbols e.g. bat, witch, spider, spider’s web, haunted house, ghost, monster, Jack-o-lantern, monster, mummy, trick or treat and candy. We danced around the room and had to listen carefully to the music. When it stopped, we had to quickly find a picture and stand on it. We did this a few times and had so much fun as the music was real Halloween music. We sang “1 little, 2 little, 3 little pumpkins” and “Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground”. We thought that our mums knew the songs as they were singing with us. We want to say a big thank you to all of our mums as they prepared an amazing array of treats for snack time. Thanks to our mums and teachers for a great party.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Ayaka, Nanako, Sabine, Goh, Liezl and Christine.