Aloha Little Masterchefs
Our last day of “Little Masterchefs” saw another American style cooking experience. We were in Hawaii and greeted everyone by saying “Aloha”. “Aloha” means hello and goodbye in Hawaiian and it was quite apt that this was the last place we visited on our world cooking tour…….Why, you may be asking! Well, the name of our school is from Hawaiian and Japanese. In Hawaiian Ohana means friendship and family.
During the morning we played on the mat and we also had some time downstairs we were engaged in imaginative play with the dolls and dressing up clothes. Shoko and Noa made a picnic using the silk scarves. They have become quite versatile as yesterday they were part of a house and today they were a picnic mat. Shoko dressed up like a princess and Noa was her assistant. They were going to swap clothes but we didn’t have time to play inside as it was outside time. We had a great time playing in the park and so many little Japanese children always join us and chat to us and we share our toys with them. Today one of the little boys who loves the large trucks came and played with the cones. We put them on our heads; we rolled them; we put them on our arms; we
threw them like a Frisbee; we ran with them and did so many different things.
We started our cooking experience as soon as we arrived at school as we had to first make the pancakes and then add the other ingredients. Today’s menu was ‘Hawaiian pancakes’. The ingredients were pancake mix, eggs, milk, pineapples, ice cream and syrup as an optional extra. We emptied the bag of pancake mix into a large bowl and then added milk. We beat the eggs so that they became a yellowy coloured liquid and added that to the pancake mix as well. We mixed and stirred and sang “What’s cooking in everyone’s pot”. After mixing and stirring and singing we made a beautiful pancake mixture that Kana started to cook on the hot plate. We could smell them cooking and watched them change from a pale yellow colour, to become golden brown. While the pancakes were cooling down, we chopped up a piece of pineapple which we put onto the pancake. The last two ingredients were ice cream and if we wanted, some syrup. Some of us enjoyed eating them and some of us preferred to eat our snacks that our mums sent from home. Shelley thought that maybe todays menu was too sweet for us. We noticed that while the ice cream was on top of the warm pancake it started to melt and became liquid. Yummmmmm……we think that this was the best part of the cooking. The ice cream was cool and refreshing and Lily especially loved licking it.
It was a wonderful week of “Little Masterchefs” and next week we don’t really know what we will be doing. Our teachers will tell us when we come to school but we think it is something to do with animals as we saw lots of papers with animal prints on them. We saw leopards spotty paper, zebra stripy paper etc.
Thanks to everyone for a great week and we look forward to sharing the last week of summer school with you all. Enjoy the weekend!
With love from Shelley, Kana, Rachel, and Goh