Little Italian Masterchefs
Today we tried to greet our friends and teachers in Italian. The word for “good morning” in Italian is “bonjorno”. We were so happy to go to Italy for our “Little Masterchefs” cooking class as many of us have never been there before. We started off on the mat and Beckett wanted to play with the trains. We played together with both the cars and trains and then we all sat in a small circle and discussed the many different ways that we say good morning in different countries. In Japan we say “Ohio Gozaimasu”; in America we say “Good Morning”; in South Africa we say “Goeie More”; in France we say “Bonjour”; in Spain we say “Ola”; in Germany we say “Guten Morgen”; in Israel we say “Boker Tov” and in Italy we say “Bonjorno”. We then counted in a few different languages up until number five.
Shelley then showed us a book that has a recipe for making pizza. We noticed that the shape of a pizza is a circle just like the shape of the sun and the full moon. Then we saw that there was something red on top of the pizza base. Jennifer told us that the small red things were called tomatoes. She was right because people usually use a tomato paste or sauce on the base of the pizza. There were a few other vegetables on the pizza in the recipe book however our pizza was going to be a basic Margerita pizza, with tomato and cheese.
As always we first went to wash our hands after singing our song “Wash, wash, wash your hands, wash your hands today……” We also sang when we were pretending to make the pizza. The song went like this: “Roll out the pizza, tweedle, deedle dough, roll out the pizza, the north wind blows, pour the flour in, pour the water in, stir a little a little and roll it nice and thin.” At the table we had a plate and a knife to us and Rachel gave us a piece of bread that was in the shape of a circle. We spread some tomato sauce on the top of the bread and then we sprinkled grated cheese on top of that. Our circle had three layers: 1. Base 2. Tomato sauce 3. Grated cheese. Then we went to the kitchen and watched Kana put the pizzas into the hot oven. When the oven went “ping” we knew that our pizzas were ready. We could hardly wait to eat them. We first ate our regular snack and then we ate our pizzas. We kept on asking our teachers for me however we all made only one. Maybe next time we will make bigger ones. When they had cooled down, and we had spent a few minutes blowing on them, we ate them. Yummmmmm…..they were delicious!
During our circle time when we spoke about making pizzas and the many different languages that people speak, Shelley read a story to us. It was related to our Apple Pies that we baked yesterday. It was all about a family who were so lucky because they had an apple tree growing in their garden. The apple tree changed during the different seasons. In winter it had bare branches; in spring it had leaves growing on it; in summer it had flowers and in autumn, the apples ripened and they picked them. The children said that they had their own Apple Pie tree! Today is a happy and sad day for us at Ohana. We were all so happy as we had another wonderful day with our friends and teachers but it is sad because it is Miyuki’s last day. She leaves on Friday for Hawaii and she will come and say goodbye to us on Friday one more time, however she has completed being a student teacher at our school. We loved having her here and will miss her so much. We wish her lots and lots of good luck in her studies and hope that she will come back and work at Ohana one day. Sayonara Miyuki chan.
With love from Shelley, Kana, Rachel, Goh and Miyuki.