Colourful bread
It was a sunny bright day in the park and our friends upstairs came outside a little earlier than we did. Everyone busied themselves, running around, collecting rocks, climbing the climbing frame, sliding on all three slides, digging in the sandbox and watering the flowers in our garden. It was lovely to be able to enjoy the warm temperature and be outside playing with our friends and teachers.
Upstairs we read a really silly book called “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly”. She swallowed many different animals and insects which was a little weird.
We took out the long mirror from our storage area and each had a turn to look at our reflection in it. We than asked our friends to tell us what we should do when we look in the mirror a second time. Noa clapped; Nico put his hands on his head; Jamie stuck his tongue out; Isabelle stood on one leg; Emily touched her shoulder; Beckett smiled and Yossi stood on one leg.
We all stood in a circle and had turns to ask our friends “Can you…….like me?” We did many different actions and all of our friends could do them. The actions that we did were jump, touch your head, clap, stand on one leg, grow like a flower, smile etc. As the days go by, we realize how much we can do which makes us feel proud of who we are and what we have achieved this year. We also did another cooking activity today using bread and food colouring. This activity was “I can cook”.
We used red, blue, green and yellow food colouring on the bread and noticed that some of the colours mixed together. The red and blue made purple and yellow and red made orange. We put them into the oven and ate them during lunch time. They were so delicious. Yummmm!
Downstairs we did many different activities at the tables. Not all of our friends come to school every day, so we sometimes repeat activities. We enjoy doing them over and over as it is a well known fact that children learn by repetition.
We had crayons out for drawing together with markers. Allie completed her heart for Yossi’s birthday wishes so we have now all decorated one for him. We will be celebrating his birthday in the last week of school as his birthday is in June when school is closed.
We had so much fun during music time because we sang some songs and then we danced and sang while playing musical instruments. We sang our “hello” song; “Open them shut them”; “Five little leaves”; “Tommy thumb” and of course we did the “Monkey Dance” and “Hot Potato”. We could choose whichever instruments we wanted to use and we were also able to swap with our friends. We used bells, maracas, tambourines, clickers, and shaker sticks. When the music is playing we love to move our bodies and dance.
Our story today was “Brown Bear” as we are trying to consolidate all of our learning about colours. While we were at the drawing table, Shelley asked us to take certain colours and most of the time we were able to find the correct one.
During the story we were able to recognize many of the animals and the colours that they were. There was a purple cat which Eva knew; a green frog, a black sheep, a white dog, a blue horse, a yellow duck, a red bird and many others. We love the part when there are lots of children because we are children too.
We did puzzles and some cutting and played happily with our friends on the mat.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Goh, Marie and Kana