What do our mummies do?
It was so hot outside in the park we were quite happy to come back to the cool breeze inside our classroom on the second floor. We were happy to run around and share the park with small groups of children and we particularly enjoyed filling up the watering can and feeding the flowers. The flowers in the park have grown so much just like our plants inside our classroom. Shelley put a piece of wire inside the pot with the very tall stem so that it can grow straight up and wind itself around the wire. The water is still damp so we did not feed them today.
During the morning, we played with our teachers and friends on the mat and had activities at the table as well. Shoko and Jennifer completed their cards and gifts for Mother’s Day and Isabelle joined them at the activity table and also drew and pasted. Tokutaro was the only boy today and he played happily with everyone.
On the activity table this morning was a selection of puzzles as our teachers want to see whether we are able to do them. They are looking at all the things that we can do in preparation for the conferences next Friday. We also had a container with numbers in it. Jennifer and Tokutaro spent time taking all of them out of the box and tried to name the colours. Jennifer remarked that the zero was like the letter “O”. Every day during free play time, you will hear us singing the ABC song. We love the song and can almost say the words perfectly. We also like the tune as it is the same as “Twinkle, twinkle little star” which is another of our favourites.
There is a photo of Tokutaro, Jennifer and Lily with their T-shirts up showing their tummies. Tokutaro has a band aid on his tummy so he lifted up his T-shirt to show his friends. Both Lily and Jennifer were happy to compare notes and showed their tummies too. Kana read us a beautiful story called “Mummies are for counting stars”. We are talking a lot about our mums and the special things that they do for us and what they mean to us. In the book “Mummmies are for counting stars” we learn about many different things that mums do. It is a flap book and we all wanted to lift the flaps and see what was underneath them. These are the things that mummies do in the story:
They are nice to sit on; they know how to take away pain; they help you practice so that you can be YOUR best; they wait for you to come home from school; they give your baths; they will watch you do a show if you need an audience; they will drive you in the car; they cook for you…………….and so much more. We are trying to think of about the things that our mums do for us.
We sang our “Hello” song and did actions to “Do the Monkey”. We lay down on our backs and pretended that we were riding a bicycle; we swam on our front; we swam on our back; we said the rhyme “Round and round the garden” and we took
Off our shoes and socks and did “This little piggy”. We laughed so much as it was ticklish underneath our feet. Isabelle said the entire rhyme “Round and round the garden” all by herself.
Have a great afternoon and see you tomorrow for another day in the life of Ohana.
Love always Shelley, Darren, and Kana