Ohanami at Ohana
It really was the perfect day for a Hanami picnic. We were so lucky with the weather and are glad that the storm came in the night and was over by the time we woke up this morning. We set off on a huge bus which was waiting for us on the big street outside the bank. There was space for our strollers and all of our mums, dads, sisters, brothers and grandmas and we headed off into the busy streets of Tokyo. We didn’t even notice that we had been travelling for more than 45 minutes as we were looking out of the windows, eating and chatting. We arrived at Kinuta Koen and set off in the morning sun to look for a picnic spot under the Cherry Blossom trees. We spent time playing games on the grass, laughing and eating and having fun in the sun. Many of us enjoyed eating for a large part of the morning and everyone kindly shared their treats with one another.
We had games to play e.g. run in between the cones; running and chasing one another; throwing balls; bats and balls; large blow up cube and a large blow up sphere to chase; skittles and bubbles. Some of us were big enough to climb the wonderful trees in the park as well.
We took some fabulous photos of our day in Kinuta Koen and will post some here on the website. We loved having our mums, dads, grandmas, friends and teachers with us. Thanks for a great day. We look forward to spending time under the cherry blossom trees next week again. We are planning to go to the park near Nissin where there are beautiful Cherry Blossom
trees and a great play ground for children. If any of our mums want to join us on this day, they are more than welcome.
Thanks for a great day out.