Welcome Isabelle
We know that Clodia is not at school today however we want to send her our big love and hugs and “Happy Birthday” wishes. She turns two today. We will be celebrating her birthday next Monday when she comes to school.
We also want to welcome our new friend Isabelle who settled so quickly when her mum dropped her at Ohana and she had a wonderful day with her friends and teachers. Isabelle is here for a few months while her dad works in Tokyo and we are so happy that she chose to come to our school while she is here.
We started off our day with lots of play time and sharing with our friends. We are really trying to share but sometimes it is soooooo hard for us. We think that adults feel the same way as we do about sharing; sometimes you don’t mind sharing but other times, you really want to keep something for yourself. It is a challenge to learn these things and our teachers are helping us along the way.
Our discussions today were all about same and different. We looked at our friends who were in the class today and saw that some were boys and some were girls. We named the girls and then we named all of the boys. We looked at one another and tried to focus on what was similar about us both. We both have two eyes; two ears, hair, a head, a mouth, a nose etc. We didn’t talk about what was different but rather what was the same.
Then while we were sitting on the carpet, Shelley showed us her “Pointer finger”.
She asked us what did we think that we could do with our pointer finger. We told her that you can point it up to the sky, down to the ground, scratch your ear, think with it etc. Then we saw her finger crawling and Noah said that it was like a wriggly worm. She then told us that maybe she had a book about a wriggly worm. Well, it was “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. We said that the caterpillar was a not a worm which is correct however, a worm and a caterpillar are similar because they are both insects; they both crawl on the ground; they are both small; they probably eat similar things like leaves and they have to be very careful because they can be eaten by other insects and creatures. We read the story and then each put a butterfly on our “Pointer finger” and let it fly in the classroom.
Shoko showed us two beautiful butterflies that she made at home with her mum. We will try to make them at school on Thursday morning and then maybe we can use these butterflies instead of the other ones. She told us that we need paper, straws, rubber bands and markers to make her butterflies. We continued our discussion that we started last term about the three colours on the wall. We revisited it by talking about eggs and what happens to them and what is inside them. We think that there are chickens and ducks inside eggs. Nico said he likes to have ketchup with eggs! We have a little more documentation to put on the wall from our discussion today.
In music time we did “The Monkey Dance”; “Where is Thumbkin”; “Shake your sillies out”; “Butterfly song” and “Hot Potato”. We love these songs so much and are singing the words when we do the actions. We also laugh a lot while doing them. We hope you have a great afternoon and that the warm sunshine is here to stay.
Love Shelley, Darren, and Kana