Keep Fit Friday and imaginative play day
Today was “Keep Fit Friday” both upstairs and downstairs. Upstairs we had a trial lesson with “Kid Fit” and downstairs we did “Shape-up with Shelley”. In our trial lesson, our teachers name was Jay. He first talked about muscles and showed us a picture of our bodies with the different muscles that were colour coded. We have muscles in our arm, legs, faces; in fact we have muscles all over our bodies. Today we worked on our oblique muscles which are on the sides of our bodies. We started off by listening to a CD and moving around the room; then we used a variety of equipment and had to follow certain instructions on how to use the different things. We had horses on sticks which helped us work our muscles above our knees and those inside our thighs; we used small plastic tennis racquets and foam balls and tried to balance the ball on the face of the racquet; we had plastic containers to throw and catch our bean bags with and we used the same bean bags for a balancing exercise. We had a great time with Jay and he gave us a worksheet with information on about healthy food which we can do at
During the morning we measured how tall we were and compared this with one another. We stood back to back with our friends and took note of the difference. We also stood on weighing scales to see how heavy we were. Then we tried to pick up our friends and the toughest part of all was when we tried to pick up our teachers. Phew, they were so heavy! We read “The Ugly Duckling” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and went around the circle and found out what was our favourite part in the stories.
Downstairs, we now have a basket filled with things for imaginative play. We loved looking at the things, trying them on and having photos taken with them on. Eva dressed up as a princess and Tokutaro was a prince. Sophie also wore the princess costume; Shoko dressed in the Indian clothes with the Canadian hat but she took her clothes off before she could have a photo. We have hats and bags and clothes and sunglasses and necklaces and can’t wait to come to school on Monday to play with them. We love the bags especially as we can put things inside them. The only thing is that our teachers have to empty them as we put toys in them and when we are packing away, we forget where we put them. In the photos you will see Tokutaro wiping Sophie’s nose. We are so kind to our friends and want to comfort them when they are sad and play with them when they are happy.
We had some activities at the tables which we completed with our teachers. We drew pictures using coloured pencils and markers. We had a variety of materials to play with at the light table. There were coloured discs, plastic letters and cellophane shapes. We emptied the shapes and discs and put them back on the table and looked at them. We did a cutting activity with plastic fabric and pairs of scissors and the last activity was tearing black and brown tissue paper and squeezing the paper into balls. We spent time reading books as well and sat with our teachers reading together. We looked at the blue, green and brown paper on the wall and sang “Five little clouds”. We now have the documentation up on the wall and Shelley was thinking that it would be a good idea if we made clouds for the blue part. We will talk about it next week when we are with our older friends from upstairs on
Tuesday and Thursday.
We are happy that it has been raining so we know that our plants and flowers are being fed however the rain stops us from going outside to play. Wishing everyone a great weekend and hoping that Miya and her family have a smooth move in the rain tomorrow.
Love Shelley, Darren, Goh and Kana