Loving and giving
We had a beautiful morning cooking with Susan, Oliver and Eva’s mum. She made Valentine cookies with us which we ate together with ice cream and fruit. Susan showed us many different ingredients that she had prepared for our cooking today. There was a bowl with flour and sugar in it, some melted butter and a container with milk. We had turns to pour the ingredients in a bowl and then mix them together. Then Susan spooned some onto a baking tray and Shelley tricked us and asked us: “Should we put them in the bathroom?” and we said: “NO”! She asked us if they should go under the table or in our pockets or in our school bags and of course we said no each time. Miya told her that they must go into the oven. So we put the baking tray with nine portions into the oven and went to sit together with some of our teachers in the library. We read so many stories together e.g. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Noah actually found that we have three copies in English of that story. We also read “The Foot Book” and “The Very
Cranky Bear”. We spoke about feelings earlier and how we can have many different ones on one day. We can be cranky or grumpy; we can be happy; we can be sad; we can be scared; we can be cautious; we can be surprised; we can be confused and so many other feelings which we often cannot find the words for. At the moment most of us are feeling loving. This is a lovely feeling as it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Mmmmmmmm. While we were waiting for the cookies to be ready, we also tried to use our sense of smell and smell if the cookies were ready. Shelley often tells us that we can use our noses to get
She also says that we can talk with our hands and this is true. So maybe our noses can tell us things. When the cookies we ready, we left the library and went to sit in the classroom and share this special feast with our friends and teachers. Yossi was so patient as he was only allowed to eat some fruit even though he wanted to eat the ice cream. We had a wonderful time cooking with “Chef Susan” and want to say a big thank you to her for preparing such a lovely activity for us, on the eve of Valentine’s Day. We have been talking about loving and giving and this was a great enactment of giving and loving together. Thanks Susan!
Upstairs in Circle time we held hands to make a small and a big circle. We went around in the circle and each of us had a turn to say stop and then we went the other way. We counted the days on the calendar and counted thirteen for today and fourteen for tomorrow. We completed our cards that we made for our families and will take them home for them today. Some of us wrote our own names on the cards using our large flashcard names to copy. Downstairs we spent so much time chatting and rolling and making shapes at the play dough table. We also spent time drawing and Yossi decorated his placemat so that he can have his own one at lunch and snack time. We all drew pictures together at the table and we also did a threading activity with shapes. We looooooove cooking in the kitchen and always take the food out and prepare meals at the stove. We of course did a little of this today. We went outside and had a great time running around, being active and having fun. All of us met in the park so we could play together with both classes. Thanks for a great time at school today and once again to “Chef Susan” for the lovely cooking activity.
Love Shelley, Darren, Kana, and Goh