Never mind the weather we're going to be together
“Rain, rain go away, come again another day, all the children want to play” .
We didn’t mind that it was a rainy day at all because we had so many things to play with and do in our classroom today. After snack time, we sat together on the mat and played a matching game with cards and pictures. Tokutaro helped Shelley put the cards on the carpet and when we all were sitting together; she dealt us six cards each. We looked at the pictures on our cards and in our own time, we were given the task of matching our cards with the ones on the carpet. We all completed this task competently and learnt a few new words e.g. peacock, cotton reel and purse.
If you look really carefully at our photos today, you will see that in each one we are doing something different. One of the activities that we did was painting a card using rollers and hearts. We used large heart shaped doilies and smaller hearts made from paper. We placed them in our own specific design onto a piece of white paper and then used the rollers with pink and red paint on them. We covered the hearts and almost the entire piece of paper too. We will use these to make cards. The second painting activity was completing our tiny canvasses using the final colour which is silver. We dabbed the silver onto the canvas and noticed that because we did each colour separately, the colours held and none of them “shmoodged”. We are adding the finishing touches to them which are a surprise.
Another of our fun activities at the table was making “cupcakes”. At each of our places, we had a plate with six cupcake holders on them. On the table there were three bowls. One had regular pom poms in it; one had sparkly, fuzzy pom poms in it and the last bowl had sparkles in it. We had small plastic spoons which we used to scoop things into our cupcakes. They were so colourful and looked delicious however we knew that there were not edible.
We had a cutting activity and drawing one at the large table. We looked through magazines and chose something that we wanted to cut out. Some of us are quite skilled at cutting and some of us are still learning how to open and close a pair of scissors. Tokutaro was concentrating while he was cutting and every time Shelley showed him how to hold his hand, he tried his best to keep it in this position. She always tells us to keep our thumbs looking at the ceiling.
We had a fun music time jumping, hiding, nodding our heads, swaying our bodies, reaching up to the sky, clapping and shaking. We sang our “Hello” song and spoke about how people show love to one another. We thought about giving someone a book, hugging them, kissing them, taking their hand, sharing and many others. Shelley read a beautiful story to us called “The Kissing Hand”. It is a beautiful story about a raccoon who is anxious about going to school for the first time. He really wants to stay at home with his mum but she explains to him that he can take her love with him wherever he goes; and it will always give him a special warm feeling in his heart and mind. She kisses his hand, curls his fingers round the kiss and says that he can even hold his hand up to his cheek, and he will feel her love there. Shelley kissed our hands and showed us how we can keep her kiss too.
There is a saying; “never mind the weather, we’re going to be together”. That was just how we felt today.
Love Shelley, Darren, Kana, and Sabine