Welcome back Sabine
Today we welcomed Sabine back to school and she couldn’t believe how much we have grown. She said that Gento is talking such a lot now and we know so many songs and their tunes. We started off our day playing with the Duplo train that had animals on all the coaches. There were many animals; a lion and a lion cub; dinosaurs and baby dinosaurs; penguin; hen; elephant; giraffe and a baby giraffe; horse and monkey. We made all the different noises for the animals and had fun driving the train around and around. We love our animal puzzle too and while Eva is the champion of saying “ostrich” we are all trying to say it as well.
We sang many songs in our morning circle time and today we learnt how to clap our names. After we had sung our “Hello” song, we said one another’s name and clapped our hands as we said each name. Each name had a different number of claps for it e.g. Eva, Gento and Shelley had two claps; Sabine had three claps and Tokutaro had four claps. We are in the middle of November and one of the themes for the month is insects. We sang “Incy Wincy Spider” and then we read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. We know this story and we all knew that it started with a moon and a small egg. After this, pop….out came a small caterpillar. Shelley made her finger look like a caterpillar crawling all over our legs and arms. It was looking for food as it was so hungry! We
completed decorating our hearts for Noah’s birthday party which is on the last Monday of the month. His mom is bringing pizza for lunch for all of us! We also added Shoko’s nature to her sensory box and took photos of all of our boxes which will go into our portfolio books.
Finn did Show and Tell for all of us today. He brought a Norwegian book about a mole and other animals. He sang a song in Norwegian that he said, was about the story in the book. During story time, we read a book called “Just so thankful”. The story was all about how important it is to be thankful to people who care about us, rather than things. It focused on the people who are in our family like our moms, dads, grandparents, cousins etc. We all counted the people who are in our immediate families e.g. Finn – four; Nico – four; Noah – five; Oliver – four and Yuta who spent the day with us today, has three people in his family. In both classes we have been talking about how to say thank you to people and what to say thank you for. Our teachers say that it is important to appreciate everything that we have and not to take anything for granted.
We have now completed our Autumn leaf pictures and the trees are full of leaves now. We finished them after we had added enough leaves and sprayed them with water. In our circle time we spoke about large circles and small circles. We sang and did actions to the song “Ring a ring of roses”. We did many other actions and had fun swimming on the floor on the front of our bodies; then swimming on our backs and jogging on the spot. We pretended that we were a train and held onto one another and sang “She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes”. We also sang “Row,row, row, your boat” and held onto a partners hands while we did this. Thanks for another fun day at school.
Love Shelley, Darren, Sabine and Kanako