I’m a Superhero and Happy birthday teachers!

DSCN0947Hello Thursday! What a wonderful day that we had again for today. It was very sunny and we’re ready for a fascinating expedition. Yurika and Ritsuka were here first to get a chance to try out some sensory equipment like using the tweezers and spoon. We had some pine cones to pick and put them in the small bowl. They were holding the equipments properly but DSCN0950sometimes they also used their hands to get the pine cones easier. Hence, their teachers were trying their best to encourage them to use the materials nicely. We also had some animal toys on the floor for us to play with. Rupert was always finding his way to incorporate his cars with the toys prepared for the day. For example, we had a plastic figurine of a pig and he instantly put the pig on the fire engine DSCN0951and he said that the pig needed some help. He used the fire engine to take the pig to a safer place. So, his teachers asked him, “Where are you taking your friend, in the farm or in the hospital? He replied, “In the hospital…” John asked him why and then he said, “…because he’s sick”. And off he went to the other side of the room with the fire engine and the pig lying on top of it. In our circle time, Sharee helped us to put on our golden cape! We are ready DSCN0974to become “Superheroes”. It was amazing that everyone was participating and pretending to be a great hero to save the day. Buds class really like Anpanman and so we all don our capes and started to dance and fly. After a short showcase of our superpowers, we sat down and started our morning songs. We sang our hello song while learning the names of our new DSCN0978friends – Ivory, Alexandre and Jack. Yurika almost knew all of their names. We also sang the ABC song but we also made the first letter sound of friends’ names. For example, K…K…K…K is for Kaia and R…R…R… is for Ritsuka. We also learned “happy and sad” song. Alexandre was saying “happy, happy” maybe that meant he was happy to be DSCN0982with us.

We were ready to suit up and fly with our capes on. Sofia, Jack, Rei, Ritsuka and Yurika excitedly stood up and flew by raising their hands. We then sang the “Superhero” song. It was so funny to see how we were able to move around DSCN0983and really believed that we were flying. Then, the music stopped and we halted. When the song resumed, we moved around and around just like the great Anpanman. Thanks Sharee and Sayaka for helping us out. We really enjoyed every minute of our activities. Today, we also celebrated Sharee’s, John’s, Goh’s and Liezel’s birthday. ThankDSCN0989 you for teaching and taking care of us and we hope to see your smiles everyday at Ohana! Enjoy your special day!

DSCN0994            We went to the park. The sun was up and of course, it was very hot too. Ivory was happily playing with Sofia in the sand box. Rupert was quietly scribbling pictures on the ground. When his teachers asked him what he was drawing, he proudly said, “It’s a banana!” Great job everyone! Thank you for the wonderful time and see you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Sharee
