Master Chefs and Happy birthday teachers
Our day started with a table laden with cooking utensils, ingredients and some white strips of paper and plastic shopping bags. We realized that we were going to be cooking and then we remembered that we were going to be stars on TV just like the chefs are in “Master Chefs”. We were soon very busy decorating the white strips of paper using markers and when we were finished, our teachers attached a white plastic shopping bag to it. We couldn’t believe it; we had
made chefs hats. So once we had made our hats, it was time to start cooking. Our cooking experience today was making star pancakes. We each had our own bowl for mixing with some pancake mixture in it. We didn’t use egg or milk so that everyone in the class could eat the pancakes. We mixed the ingredients in our bowls and then we added banana, raisins or sprinkles. Daiki, Hana, Michaela and Lanah helped cut up the bananas into small pieces so that we could mix them in our
bowls. Usually when we bake, we put all of the ingredients into one bowl, but today we had separate bowls, which we really liked. We could choose what we wanted to put inside our pancakes. The sprinkles were in many different colours and shapes; there were suns, hearts, stars and flowers. Then our teachers did the cooking and we watched and waited. When our pancakes were golden, our teachers made them into a star shape, using star shaped cookie cutters. We ate them at snack time, after we had eaten our regular snack.
Some of us wanted to take them home because we were full, so they are inside our snack containers.
One thing that we really loved doing after we had mixed all the ingredients together and our pancakes were cooking in the pan, was to lick our bowls. Our teachers scraped most of the mixture into the pan, but there was a tiny bit left and it tasted so good. We licked the bowls clean and enjoyed tasting the mixture that we had made. We are not sure
whether we like the mixture in the bowl or the cooked pancakes more. We liked the smell of the pancakes when they were cooking in the pan; and once again our
classroom smelled like a bakery. Yummmmm!
After we had cooked our pancakes we went downstairs to celebrate some of our teacher’s birthdays for the months June and July. Goh had her birthday last week and Sharee, John and Liezel have their birthdays in July. We had such a lovely time all together, celebrating with them, singing, laughing and watching them blow out their candles. We sang “How old are you now?” and we clapped and counted. When we reached
their age, they raised their hand and said stop. Sharee stopped us at nine; John stopped us at five; Goh stopped us at seven and Liezel stopped at ten. We couldn’t believe that Liezel was ten and John was only five. We sang “If you’re happy and you know it” and wiggled our toes, clapped our hands; shouted happy birthday; whispered happy
birthday and then we sang “Five little candles”. John, Sharee, Goh and Liezel each had one candle to blow out and then we sang “Happy Birthday to you” in English and Japanese.
We gave them their gifts that we made and shouted “horray” at the end of the party. We went
back to our classroom and that is when we ate our snack and pancakes. Ami completed her star necklace and handprint and we played a challenging game that Maryna brought to school for us. It is sort of a puzzle and a game all in one; with roads, railway tracks and paths that
we fit together. We had a lovely time playing in the park even though it was really hot today. All of our friends at Ohana International School spent some time playing together in the park. When it is really hot, we like it when our teachers bring along the water bottle with the spray nozzle. They spray us to keep us cool. Tomorrow is our last day of being a “star”. See you then! Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel