You're a Star

DSCF7370We hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed yourselves. Today we were joined by Maki San who will be working with us tall this week. Welcome Maki San! This morning we started our new theme ‘I’m a Star’. For this week’s theme we are going to be famous little stars. We already know some famous stars such as Cinderella, Snow White, Snoopy and Curious George. On the carpet we saw lots of dress up costumes which we wanted to wear. Lucinda dressed up as Snow white with a beautiful tiara and ruby red shoes. Kai saw the Peter Pan costume with the hat and immediately started to get dressed. Soon Wesley and Kai were helping each other get dressed and Wesley put on the astronaut costume. On the table we saw some cardboard frames along with eight different DSCF7382colored paints and brushes. We are going to make our own ‘I’m a Star’ photo frame with our own dress up pictureDSCF7371 inside. First we needed to choose a color for our frame, put on a smock to protect or clothes and then paint the cardboard frame. It will take a while for the paint to dry and so we will continue to decorate them tomorrow morning. On the table were also some birthday card papers to make birthday cards for our teachers Liezel, John, Goh San and Sharee. We used colored pencils, markers and sparkly pens to decorate the cards and even wrote the words ‘Happy Birthday’ nice and big. After packing away the toys we all did the IMG_2614calendar together with Maki. After having our yummy snacks we headed for the park and made sure we took our hats and water bottles as it was quite warm in the park. Kai and Wesley found a worm which we put on the sand toIMG_2611 dry out a bit and Lucinda enjoyed using the swings with Bill. After coming back to the classroom we looked at some books with famous characters in them. We saw Curious George, Snoopy, Pingu, Postman Pat and Frosty the Snowman. We then read the snoopy book which had some hard words in it but it was a funny story. We then moved to the table where we saw some flour, some salt, oil, water, food coloring and cream of tartar. We knew we were going to make some play-dough for us to play with. First we measured out some cups of IMG_2618flour, then added the salt, then the oil, cream of tartar and water. We mixed them all together and decided to make some blue play-dough today. The blue food coloring was very strong and the play-dough mixture was very lumpy. IMG_2617Darren took the playdough to the kitchen and cooked it in the oven for a while. After rest time we saw the playdough was ready to use was actually still a little warm. We used it to make lots of hearts, cakes and stars. Bill made lots of numbers and we helped him with the bigger numbers too. Have a great afternoon,

All our love, Maki, Darren, and Bill
