Lacrosse with Sayaka and Yoga time with Nanako
Rainy Friday! We are now ready for another great adventure in Buds class. We have Taiga today and he feels so excited to be with us. He is always a nice addition to our class because of his jolly personality. We saw some paper plates and other Posca
markers on the table and Taiga, Sofia and Yuu started working on their own tennis racket art. Kaia was doing some construction and it was incredible to see how she patiently worked on the toys. After finishing tennis racket, we used them with our balloon. We put the balloon on our plate and tap the balloon up. It’s like pretending that we have our rackets and the tennis game. Yurika was so exhilarated to play and show how good she was with it.
Taiga requested for the bigger balloon and he started hitting the balloon around the class. While others were very busy with the tennis balloon game, Sofia was cutting the apples for her baby. She liked doing this while singing and humming her songs all by herself.
Our circle time was always fun! We sang “The Good
Morning Song” and for each round, we have to say our names so that our friends can greet us “Good morning, ____.” We love giving our sweet smile and warm hug so we always find moments wherein we can express ourselves fully. Yuu-kun was so happy to sit down and listen to our circle time the whole time. First, we did
some little and big actions. We proudly showed our happy faces and it was so hilarious that some of us were making funny and wacky faces. We also read a storybook entitled “Little Yoga”. Nanako helped us with the actions. For example, we spread our arms like a butterfly, hang down like a monkey, breathe like a lion, stretch our back like a cat, wag our tail like a dog, curl up like a sleeping
mouse, wobble like a little bird, and crouch like a frog. It was fun because we just discovered that we could do a lot of movements. We had a great time showing how active we were and our class was simply full of energy.
Today, we didn’t have a chance of going to the park because it was raining outside. However, we went to the office for a big surprise. Sayaka brought some lacrosse equipment! First,
she showed us some pictures of her playing lacrosse and she told us that this sport is also becoming more and more popular. She showed the lacrosse sticks and the good thing was, she brought three sticks for us to use. Yurika and Sofia instantly replied, “I want to try!” We loved participating and playing lacrosse together. Hence, we took turns and tried to catch the ball as best as we can. Sayaka was
a very good lacrosse player for she also showed some tricks. It was definitely a great experience for all of us to learn that our
teachers can be good athletes too.
Thank you so much for the wonderful day! And hope to see you all again next week. Have a good weekend!
Lots of love,
John, Sayaka and Nanako