At the bowling alley!

Today was the last day of our Sports week and we ended it with bowling. We have had so much fun using one of our tables as a table tennis table a few days ago, a rolling the ball tennis table, a fan the balloon tennis table and today, a bowling table. We had a mat on the table with numbers and circles on it. We placed the sponge pins on the numbers and used a bowling ball to try to knock them down. This became a serious game of competition and organization. We had someone scoring on a white board, two people putting the pins back in their places and a cheering team. We copied the numbers onto a white board each time one of our friends knocked over the pins. It was a great event in our class today and our teachers will leave it for us to play OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

on Monday as it was a game that developed many of our skills – eye hand co-ordination, number concept, number recognition, turn taking, role taking and fulfilling responsibilities and much more.

We played bowling twice during the day; in the morning, after we had made our bowling pins and in the afternoon, after our “What’s missing” game. We made our bowling pins with toilet rolls. We chose a piece of


origami paper and two stripes. We pasted the two stripes onto our origami paper and wrote our names on it. Then we put glue on the back of the origami paper, paid it upside down on the table and rolled the toilet roll inside the paper. It fitted perfectly and covered the entire toilet roll. We tucked the ends in and ‘bingo’ we had a bowling pin. We put our pins onto the mat and then rolled the bowling ball. We had friends who took the responsibility of counting the number of pins that were knocked over; friends who scored


on the white board and friends who set the pins up over and over so that we could each have a turn.

In these photos, you can see Luka is counting the number of pins that were knocked over and Hana is setting them up again.

Shelley sat with some of us and we completed our drawings for Father’s Day. We will write a message on the back of our Father’s Day pictures and have them all ready next week; to present to our dads.


After we had completed all of our activities, and while we were playing on the mat, our teachers called us to the table because we were going to make a surprise. We chatted about the sports that we had played during the week and Shelley asked us how we felt after we had played baseball in the green area; did we have a lot of energy; or were we tired. We said that we felt that we had a lot of energy and we needed a rest. She told us that when she played sport they always had a break, so that they could have lots of energy for the second part of the game. They ate oranges


during their break. So today, we used oranges and made orange juice. We peeled the oranges and put sections into the blender and then watched them as they became pulp and juice. We were so excited to have orange juice even though we were not tired and hadn’t been playing any sport….other than bowling. The orange juice was both a drinking juice and an eating juice; you ate the pulp and drank the juice. It was so delicious and refreshing and actually sweet enough.

We watched as the oranges disappeared and the juice and pulp were left behind.

We went for a walk to the nature reserve today but as we arrived there, it started to rain; so we


turned around and walked back to school. In fact, we didn’t really walk, we jogged. When we arrived back at school we played a “What’s missing” game. On the carpet we had a green block, a blue cat, a pink egg, a phone, a pencil, a carrot, a train, a bee, and a white cap. Shelley covered them with a blanket and she removed one. We had to try to guess which one was missing. It was more difficult in the beginning because we had


not yet remembered each item. We played a few rounds and by the time we played the last round, we remembered them all.

We changed the calendar and we read “The tiger who came to tea”. It was such a beautiful story with unique illustrations. When you touched the tiger’s stripes, you could actually feel them; they were raised off the page.

Thanks for a great week of Sports and have a wonderful weekend




See you on Monday!

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel
