Monday Monday
Today is a brand new month. It is called June and when we were having lunch, one of the discussions we had was about the months of the year, repeating themselves each year. Manuel said: “They go again and again”. So Shelley thought it would be good to talk about the things that repeat themselves in our lives. We spoke about the days of the week, which repeat themselves every week; the time on the clock goes round and round, taking 24
hours for one day and one night to be completed. Then we realized that it is good for the months of the year to be repeated, so that we can have our birthdays and get bigger each year.
At our activity tables, we completed pasting photos of our shop into our workbooks/portfolios so now they are ready to become gifts for our parents on Thursday, when we have our party. We have something else for
them. We have one more 3D art work to make and all of us will have completed ours tomorrow, when Michaela comes to school. She is the lucky last one to make hers. William L and Koh made theirs today. William made a city with tall buildings and a police car and Koh made a
picture of a house, a fire truck, a fireman, a balloon floating into the sky, a crow and some rocks. Koh wanted to draw more and more things and then there was no space on his paper and we had to go downstairs for our snack. Maybe he can add something tomorrow because he can put something in front of one of the things that he has already drawn. This was what we learnt and the reason why we created these drawings; we learnt about in front of and behind as well as near and far. When we were downstairs, Hisami played the piano and we sang the “Ohana School” song, “Twinkle, Twinkle little star”, and we sang “Doh a dear a female
dear”. We practiced for our End of Year party and sang all of our songs with pride and joy. We are all ready to welcome our families to our party and counted three sleeps until the party. Tomorrow is the party for Flowers Class, and Wednesday is the party for our friends in Buds Class. When we were practicing our songs and actions, in one of the songs, we pretend that we are bees inside a bee hive. Shelley noticed that on the back of Koh’s t-shirt, there was a hexagon shape. Manuel reminded her that he had on the same T-shirt! So he also had a hexagon shape on his back. This is the shape of the bee hive that we will go inside during our party. In the afternoon, when most of us had gone home, Hisami made the hexagon shape so we can practice with it.
During our gymnastics class, we did all of the exercises that we have mentioned in our journals over the past few weeks and today, Miyashita sensei asked three of our friends who are really skilled at doing somersaults, to demonstrate to our friends. They were William L, Koh and Manuel. Not only were their somersaults performed really well but they also managed to stand up within three seconds which is really fast. They were great models for all of us and after we had watched
them demonstrate, we were motivated to do the same.
We read a story together in Buds Class called “the Doodlebugs”. It was a funny story because there were creatures like bugs in it but they were part bug and part other animal e. g. there was a poodle with six legs. We know that poodles are dogs and they only have four legs; and we also know that insects have six legs and poodles are not insects. It was still fun to read and look
at the illustrations.
We heard that our mums, dads and teachers had a fabulous party on Friday night even though it rained a little during the time that they were there. We can’t wait for our parties too! Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel