Happy birthday, Chloe!

DSCN0085DSCN0094Hello Thursday! We are very happy to be here once again at Ohana. We know that our friends are waiting for us to have a special moment with one another again. Ritsuka was the first one who came to school and she really likes playing with the play dough. Yurika did the same thing after doing her morning jobs. It was nice how Yurika is starting to be more open with her friends and she really loves playing with them if she would be given a chance. Alexa came with a beautiful smile. She is like a princess who’s ready for a new adventure. DSCN0097            During our circle time, we talked about the bees. First, we counted their wings and we found out that they have four wings. And then, we also noticed that they have two different DSCN0106colors – black and yellow. We learned a new song and the title was, “Where is the beehive?” The song goes something like this…

Where is the beehive?

Where are the bees?

Let us count 1, 2 and 3.

Where is the beehive?

Where are the bees?

Let us count 1, 2 and 3.

DSCN0109            It was a very nice song and we liked singing it with our friends. John showed us a beehive and he told us that there were some bees from inside. Of course, these were only toys but they were all cute. We counted all the bees and we found out that we had ten bees all in all. And our teachers asked us to count the bees before picking them up from the floor. For example, Dominik needed to get three bees, so he picked three and counted them carefully before giving them to John. Then Sofia got two, Kaia got four and Chloe got another three. Our friends were very good in DSCN0112counting and we were trying our best to count consecutively as fast as we can. Our teachers said that we could also help the bees to go back to the beehive by singing the song, letting them fly and making their sound. Each of us got one bee and we tried doing the actions and making the buzzing sound for them. Nikolas really liked DSCN0113showing his friends how cool his bee was and it was amazing how we interacted comfortably with one another. We then put the bees back on the beehive and now they’re safe from harm and we’re happy that they played with us for today.

Our activity tables were prepared by our teachers and we saw the spider web art painting that we did yesterday. This time, we tried putting some pieces of newspaper, cardboard and yarn to make this DSCN0117wonderful cobwebs effect. Maki spread the glue all over the painting and we then put the materials very slowly. Yurika and Rei were so happy using their hands and they were able to stick some newspaper on the painting. Chloe and Alexa spent longer time putting on designs. Both of them seemed to enjoy our art activities every day. Some of our friends had a short music lesson with Sayaka.

DSCN0118            Today, one of our friends celebrated her birthday. Happy birthday Chloe! We gave her the birthday card and the crown and it was so lovely that her friends even volunteered to give the presents to her. Sofie gave her the crown and Dominik handed her the card. Both of them gave Chloe a big warm hug and we all sang the “Happy birthday song”. You know that we always care for you and we always want you to be happy with us in Buds lass. Her DSCN0120mom and dad came today and brought some snacks for us. We got some PANCAKES! Not just ordinary pancakes but Mickey Mouse pancakes. We loved it so much even Dominik asked for more. Chloe was munching her own DSCN0124pancake and she didn’t notice that there was cream on her nose.

Arriving at the park, we saw our friends again. We didn’t miss the chance of looking for more spider webs on the walls. We saw a lotDSCN0125 today and we are expecting to see more tomorrow. Thank you so much again Ohana for this great day! We love you all and we love to experience exciting adventures with our friends and teachers every day.

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
