Happy Halloween
What a spooky, scary, wonderful day of fun and celebration for Halloween. We all dressed up in costumes and played games and enjoyed the time with our mums. We feasted on the most fabulous Halloween fare and want to thank our mums and dads for being with us and for making such special food for us. We loved playing games with them and shared a little of what “A Day in the Life of Ohana” is; when it is Halloween.
Downstairs we had a cowboy, witch, ladybug, bumble bee, lady samurai, skeleton, princess and a big witch. We sat in a circle with our mums and sang “Everybody tapping” so that Shelley could have all of our attention. Then we asked our mums to listen really carefully as we were going to ask them to introduce themselves and sing our “Hello” song with us. They all sang so beautifully and we were so happy that they now know our “Hello” song. We can sing it at home with them. Then we played two games; the one was called “Pass the pumpkin”. We had a pumpkin and had to pass it around to our friends and mums in the circle; when the music stopped, we had to stop and freeze. We continued playing until all of our friends had a turn and then we played our
second game which was throwing a small orange ball into a big red bucket. We showed great throwing skills and practiced getting our small orange ball into the bucket many times. Afterwards we danced to the music and went to wash our hands in preparation for snack time. Our mums sat with us while we feasted on all the delicious things that they had made and bought. Some of us spent a really long time eating and of course, when it was lunch time, we were unable to finish all of our lunch as our tummies were still so full from snack time. Our teachers gave us a Halloween gift which is a pumpkin mug and inside was one chocolate and another Halloween candy. We are so lucky to have had such a great day celebrating Halloween at Ohana.
Today Noah was Spiderman; Nico was Spiderman; Oliver was Nemo; Finn was a Pirate Captain; Jamie was a skeleton and Beckett was a Hamburger.
Game 1 was completing the skeleton puzzle as fast as possible. The table cloth was orange so because parts of the skeleton X-rays are transparent, these parts were orange today. It looked amazing. Before we played the next game we
danced to our favourite song the “Body Rap”. Our parents joined in and danced with us. Game 2 was called “Hunt the ghost”. Hidden around the classroom were nine white friendly ghosts. Our task was to find all of them with the help of our parents. At the end of the party we had a real mystery. It is called “The Mystery of the Missing Ghost”. We read “The Runaway Pumpkin” story and re-enacted the rolling pumpkin which rolls down the hill and tries to knock the fences down just like it does in the actual story. We used chairs and a piece of black cloth. The game was to knock over the wooden blocks with the plastic pumpkin.
Game 3 was “Put the nose on the Jack-o-lantern”. We blindfolded our friends and spun someone around three times. Then they had to place the nose on the pumpkin.
Game 4 was our last game. We had to throw the orange ball into a bucket just like our friends did on the second floor. What fun! Our snack time table groaned with food; there were cookies, muffins, fruit and vegetables, cheese cut out in the shape do bats, ghosts and pumpkins, crackers, popcorn, raising rolls and chicken.
Love Shelley, Darren, Goh and Kanako