Au revoir, Kaia and Rei!

DSCN9958The sun is up, its brightness is totally breathtaking. We are so happy to have this magnificent day and we always welcome each day with love and care for one another in Buds class. As we said bye-bye to our parents for a while, we discovered that our class is a great DSCN9961place to discover ourselves and do things on our own. Our joy is to make our friends’ smile and we always love to play with one another. Our teachers who are definitely helpful every single day, guide us to explore what we can do and develop further on what we’re already good at. We just love being here and it’s always a great opportunity for each of us to make our bond more connected. DSCN9968           Dominik put on his favorite Spiderman costume, and he loves going around and telling his friends and teachers that he was Spiderman. Nikolas got his toy mobile phone and put some DSCN9969necklaces on. He walked around the classroom together with Mr. Spiderman and they pretended that they were talking to someone over the phone. After the short pretend conversation, they went to get some books from the library and started looking at the pictures. Rupert and Kaia went to find their toys as DSCN9970well and they loved to play with the cars as what they usually do in the classroom.

After the good playtime, it was amazing how Yurika was so cooperative with us. She volunteered to stay in front of the class just to show how the butterfly flies. She put her hands DSCN9974up and down continuously until everyone followed and started singing “Fly, fly the butterfly”. We also learned the ABC song again but this time, we actually looked at the letters and pointed at them as we sang it all along. We picked one letter at a time and it was nice that we are also learning how to say the sound of DSCN9980each letter. For example, we would say K, and make a sound, “ka,ka,ka”. We also associate this sound to our friends’ names. So, we found out that Kaia starts with K, Nikolas starts with N, Sofia starts with S. It was amazing how we also learned these sounds through our game. We also counted from one to ten and we love DSCN9982doing this with our friends. So Sofie volunteered to be the first one and then followed by Nikolas, Dominik and Sofia.

DSCN9989            Today, we celebrated Bye-bye party for Kaia and Rei. We love them so much and we really had a great time playing with them. Kaia and Rei complete the Buds class and it is so incredible how they have grown so much. We will not forget Rei for how DSCN9994confident she is in performing in front of many children. She is like a floating butterfly when she dances and a chirping bird while she sings. Kaia is the best friend of all. She is loved by everyone. All of us would like to see her everyday because her smile and understanding DSCN9995to her friends is simply marvelous. She has made many friends and created this special bond with all of us. Kaia and Rei will always be in our hearts too because of the great things that they have shown their teachers and friends. We love you both so much and we hope that you will have a wonderful time in Singapore and Vietnam. Thank you to Fanny (Kaia’s mom)DSCN9996 and Miyuki (Rei’s mum) for the yummy treats that we got from them. Hope to see you again and enjoy this special party!

We went to the park and we love Mr. Sun shining so bright. However, it was hot and we needed to put some sunscreen and mosquito repellant just to make sure that we would enjoy our stay at the park.

Thank you so much again and hope to see you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
