Pyjama Day in Petals Class
Today was PYJAMA DAY in our class and we all arrived at school in our pyjamas. It was so much fun. In fact we spent the entire day in our pyjamas because when our teachers asked us if we wanted to change into our clothes, to go to the park, what do you think we said. Yes, you are right! We all said that we wanted to stay in our pyjamas and we did. Our teachers even went to the park in their pyjamas, so we ended up all staying in our pyjamas; right
until our parents picked us up at the end of the day! It was so much fun. While we were having lunch, we told our teachers that we wanted to have PYJAMA DAY
tomorrow, as we loved it so much.
When we arrived at school, we were surprised to see the back part of our room in darkness and our rest time music playing on the CD. Then we remembered that we were wearing our pyjamas and we were pretending to be resting. We found soft toys on all of our beds and took other toys out and started to play with them on our beds. It was really quiet and we enjoyed the stillness that welcomed the start of our
We did some activities at the tables in preparation for our Mothers Day breakfast next Friday, 8th May. We know that some of our friends will still be having their Golden Week holiday and we will miss them, for regular school and at the Taiko workshop and the breakfast. These activities required us to do a lot of cutting. We are all skilled at manipulating a pair of
scissors so almost all of the cutting out of things, we do by ourselves. We cut snips on two different coloured strips of paper and then Hisami made them into something??????? Shhhhhhh!
We also did a little bit of rolling as you can see in one of these photos.
Our story took place in the dark, while we were sitting on our “beds” and it was in the form of a “Kamishibai”.
It was a story about “koinobori”.
A little boy made a “koinobori” at school but he couldn’t find a place, at his house to hang it. His uncle had an idea so he took the little boy to his home to show him where he hung his. But when they got to his uncle’s house, he couldn’t find his uncle or his
“koinobori” anywhere. His uncle’s mum and dad tried to make him feel better by making an obento box with him, filling it with delicious food. They then took him to the place where there was a “koinobori” festival and there at the “koinobori” festival, he saw his “koinobori” and his uncle. They then celebrated together eating their obento under the “koinobori”. There were so many “koinobori” hanging up just like there are all over Japan at the moment.
Just before we sat down for snack time, we prepared a special “mid morning feast” with our friends and teachers. We counted little cubes of cheese, some small round rice crackers and grapes and shared them into three bowls. Then we chose cheese popcorn which we were so excited to make. Shelley placed the package in the microwave and we had to wait a long time for the popping sound. When we heard the popping sound, we all started jumping in the same way that we thought the corn was jumping inside the bag. When the popping sound stopped we
took the bag out of the microwave and gently touched the bag, to feel if it was hot or cold. It was still hot. In the middle of our “mid morning snack” table, we had a wonderful selection of things to eat, together with our individual snacks.
We had the best day today. Thank you to our teachers and friends for making each day in Petals Class so special for all of us.
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel