Pizza faces

Today is the last day of September and tomorrow it will be October. One of the teachers in our school is going to be bigger next week; much bigger than all of us! Oh oh! We won’t tell you who it is and maybe you can guess! She always tells us that she is four years old but we know this is not true. We had a wonderful day all together in the classroom on the third floor. We sat at the large table and looked at the easel that had a face on it. We then placed facial features on the face as a lead up to our activity which was making pizza faces. Because we were hoping to be able to eat our baking for snack time, we started off cooking soon after we arrived at school. On the table there was bread in the shape of a circle; each of us had a bowl of grated cheese; there were cut up cucumbers in a semi circle shape; carrots in circles; carrots in sticks; olives in circle shapes and tomato sauce. We started off spreading the tomato sauce on the bread and then we sprinkled cheese on top of it. We looked at all the vegetables and chose different ones to be the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Sophie’s mum helped her make her pizza face and she added eye brows and an upper and lower lip. We baked them in the oven and then we ate them together with our snack at snack time. Just before snack time, we had morning circle and sang our “Hello” song. Sophie and Finn sang using big voices saying all the words clearly. We updated the “Today is…….” chart and all of us had a turn to put something on it; Finn did Friday because he said that it starts with an “F” just like his name; Beckett put the cloudy picture for the weather; Tokutaro found the zero for the date and Nico found the three for the date as it is the 30th today. Sophie found the Autumn leaf which she placed on the chart for the correct season. We like it when we can all have a turn and work together as a team on something. Then Shelley told us a story about a group of children who were looking for a house with a red roof that had a star inside. All the children said that their house was not like that; none of them had stars inside their houses. Shelley then showed us a chopping board that had two apples on it. She said that maybe the apple is the house with a red roof with a star inside. We said that this could not be true and then…………………….. she cut it and …………… was true! There was not only one star but two stars; one on each half of the apple. We then cut up a second apple and she told us that it is the Jewish New Year and people dip apple into honey for a sweet New Year. None of us dipped the apple in the honey except our teachers because we just wanted to eat our pizzas. We sat in the library and read books with our friends and teachers and then we went into the classroom and did the “Body Rap”. It is a great action song on our “All about me” CD. It is sung like a real rap song and tells us to do certain movements with different parts of our bodies e.g. clap your hands; touch your toes; touch your ear lobes; wiggle your nose etc. It is even more fun because it rhymes. Shelley has been playing the “Jolly Phonics” CD in the class when the children are playing on the mat and they are copying the sounds. She says that it is never too early to learn things, in a fun and age appropriate way. Thanks Tokutaro for bringing in your life book. We will look at it with your friends on Monday and we are looking forward to seeing our friends ones soon!

Outside in the park we played with the different sized balls. We kicked them; we threw them; we rolled them down the slide; we carried them and then when we were finished we put them in the large park bag and took them back to school. Thanks for a great week with our friends and teachers. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Love Shelley, Darren, Kanako and Sabine