Giorgia's Show and Tell
Our neighbourhood is still growing and today Luka made a combini, William B made a blue house and Michaela made the hotel that she is going to in the snow today. Luka and William B also made trees and grass and Michaela added a swing, slide and sandbox to the park that Mika made yesterday. We now have signs for our various buildings which we will paste onto the buildings for easy identification and on Monday we will decide what we want to make next.
You can see if you look at the whole scene that we have
made so far, how it has grown. Every day we develop new ideas so our teachers are in for a surprise when we come to school next week.
At the second activity table, we had two things to do; one was to do stamping with paint and bubble wrap. Luka and William B had not made theirs so they completed theirs today and then we did a cutting exercise. Our teachers can see how much progress we have made with the development of our fine motor skills. We can take quite small pieces of paper, and cut them in half. We did this for quite a long time and then we pasted the pieces onto a piece of paper. It was interesting for our teachers to observe, how we pasted the pieces of paper onto our large coloured one. Some of us pasted the pieces randomly and some of us were quite ordered in
how we pasted ours.
Today Vincent tried on the astronaut outfit and when he was finished with it, Taiyo asked Liezel if he could wear it too. He took Liezel’s hand and led her to the dress up corner and pointed to the outfit saying, there, there, there. He enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror. Many of us enjoyed dressing up today. Giorgia dressed up like a witch and Michaela was a princess. We were very busy engaged in imaginative play on the carpet, preparing the table with lots of food. Our teachers thought that we were preparing for the Shinenkai tonight, for our moms and dads. They think that we would be quite good at catering for the event!
We had a great time in the park and were thrilled to have a sunny day and no rain. We had to change the weather on our calendar this morning as well as the day and date. We can now remember numbers in consecutive order and are counting ourselves each day, going around our circle; with each one of us saying a number.
Vincent knew the day of the week even before we had sung our song; which we still did viz. “There are seven days in a week”. While we were in our circle we spoke about the game that we played yesterday when we pretended that our hands were cookies. Shelley taught us the song “Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar”. We went all around the circle and learnt what to say when it is our turn.
The last thing that we did at school today was listen to a book about the movie “Frozen” which Giorgia brought to school for her Show and Tell. This was actually the second part of her Show and Tell. The main part was a coin called “Ducat”. She brought a piece of paper to school with pictures of the front and back of the coin and some explanation about it. The “Ducat” was a coin that was used as money long, long ago in Europe. The most exciting part for us was when she showed us a real coin. When we looked at the “Ducat” we saw the same head on the coin as the picture on the paper and the back had the same coat of arms as the picture. It was a golden coin and it looked so shiny and new. When she had finished showing us the “Ducat” she showed us her book. We went to the carpet and listened to the story on CD while Giorgia turned the pages.
We hope that our mums, dads and teachers have a great time at the Shinenkai. We wish we could come too. Have a great weekend everyone!
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel