Welcome Leanne!

15 December – Daily Journal

??????????This morning we welcomed Leanne into Buds class. All the buds ??????????were excited to see a new friend, Leanne this morning and she did a great job settling in very quickly. After Leanne finished her morning jobs, she started playing with wooden blocks. Also, we were very happy to see Nanako in our class. Nanako is a teacher from Flowers class. During Winter school, Nanako is going to be in our class so ??????????we can play and do activities together with her. Today, we had colored rice in a sensory tub. We enjoyed touching, feeling, seeing,?????????? and smelling it. When Hana, Lanah were asked what color the rice was, they answered, “Green.” Every day, the teachers will be adding new things in this seasonal sensory tub.

??????????Time to get moving! We went up to Petals floor for gym class and once we had bowed and said, “Ohayou gozaimasu and Yoroshiku onegaishimasu” to Tanaka-sensei, we ??????????practiced rolling again - koro koro koro. One at a time the buds lied down on the mat and rolled over several times from one end of the mat to the other. It was a bit hard to keep putting our hands together up in the air and to roll over at that same time. It’s always fun to move our whole bodies like animals – today we pretended be like a bear, bunny, frog and crocodile. Also, we balanced on our feet like a tree. Every time, you can see how much they are improving with their skills. Today was our last gym class for year 2014. We are looking forward to seeing Tanaka-sensei and taking his gym class in the coming year.

??????????After we came downstairs, we made a new playdough. We all took?????????? turns to help making the play dough. Today, we put some fresh peppermint leaves into the play dough for the smell of peppermint is also the smell of Christmas...Can you guess where you might smell it during this season? So we each tried smelling the leaves…We are ??????????wondering if the peppermint will stay as it is or whether it may change…

It was very cold outside but we enjoyed playing at the park. When?????????? we arrived at the park, there was no one in the park and for awhile we had the park all to ourselves! After a little while, Petals and Flowers class came to the park. Then we enjoyed playing together with them. Lanah, Hana, and Karl were busy with ??????????climbing; Kaia and Leanne, and Faith enjoyed going up and down the slide again and again.

Have a great afternoon!

Sayaka, Maki and Nanako
