Last day of the 2014 school year

???????????????????????????????Our last day of 2014 in our regular school programme was filled with happiness and sadness, smiles and tears and lots of kindness and generosity from so many of our friends and their families. We had a special joint “Bye bye party” (as Ava called it” with Ava, Christine and Lilian. Flowers and Petals class children and teachers all gathered together on the 1st floor and spoke about how it feels when people leave to go somewhere; why we were having a “Bye bye party” etc. Tokutaro said: “Ave, Lilian and Christine are going away”. We gave Ava her portfolio/workbook and inside it, her Flowers class friends made a card and pasted pictures of ??????????????????????themselves in the book; so that she doesn’t forget them. We gave Lilian her workbook/portfolio too and also a card that we had made for her. In our card, there were pictures of all her friends and teachers from Petals Class as well as some drawings, stickers and words that we wrote. We also hope that she remembers us even when she is in California. For Christine, both Flowers and Petals class children made her a card…….we think that with all the cards and photos of all of us, they cannot forget us! We wish them a happy time back in California and Ava told us that when they are bigger they will ??????????????????????come back just for a visit. Thanks Lilian, Ava and Christine for everything. We love you and will miss you soooooo much.

We also said goodbye to Nina who is leaving Ohana and gave her hugs. In fact, we gave so many hugs at the end of our “Bye bye party” and at the end of the day, we were “outhugged” when we went home.

We had an amazing science experiment in our class today. Christine ??????????????????????brought some popcorn for us to have at snack time, but this was not ordinary popcorn. When we opened the pack, we noticed that inside, there was a whole corn on the cob. How could we make popcorn from this? Well, Shelley read us the instructions and the first one was for us to put the corn inside a bag. Then we had to fold the open edge three times and then put the bag into the microwave for two to three minutes. Lilian took a chair into ??????????????????????the kitchen area and we all stood and watched and listened. If we heard a popping sound, the popcorn was cooking and when the popping stopped, our teachers needed to take the bag out of the oven. We sang “Pop, pop, popping corn”, and jumped up and down like we were popcorn popping.

This was what it looked like before and the photo on the right is what it looked like afterwards. We were amazed. We did the experiment twice and both times, the pop corn popped and then we ate it……and?????????????????????? wanted more and more and more.

You can see from many of our photos that it was a fun day with us dressed up for most of the time while we did activities and played games. We had containers with many different materials on the light table and we spent time scooping and emptying and adding and chatting. Some of the containers were heavier than others because ???????????????????????????????they materials were heavier. Some of them were heavier because there was more inside them. We also did some drawing at the office table and then played in the dressing up area…..which you all know is our favourite place to be. We hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas season and all the best for the New Year. We are looking forward to sharing our news with our friends and teachers when we return; next year!

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel??????????????????????
