It's beginning to look quite festive in our classroom

5 December – Daily Journal

??????????We used the play dough that we had made yesterday. First we put it on the table with no utensils because we wanted Buds to really use their hands and fingers to?????????? explore it’s texture and smell. It smells delicious with the cinnamon in it and looks so pretty with the glitter in it. We had to watch carefully that no one tried to eat it because it smelt and looked so delicious!

There was a lot of green and red on the art table today. Some Buds made their festive season color necklace by ??????????sticking all sorts of collage materials on and some Buds decorated the gift bag that they will give their parents next Friday. (Or before if they are leaving earlier)??????????

In circle time today we looked at the black basket and saw it had lots of toys in it. Oh no, this basket is for toys that have been taken off Buds because they put it ??????????in their mouth. Apples, forks, cell phones, blocks etc were in the basket. We talked about that if you put a toy in your mouth it has to taken away and cleaned and then you can’t play with it. The toys get wet and spread germs and even our runny noses. So we practiced how to pretend to eat the apple or pretend to use ??????????the fork by putting it in the food and then close to our mouth. And just holding the cell phone to our ear. After this good listening we sat with our legs out and did ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ starting with slow and getting faster until ??????????we did it so fast it was a bit silly so we went back to a good, fast pace. Today we were also talking about ‘up’ and ‘down’ and Buds helped put the various transportation up in the sky, down on the ground or down in the water.

It was a sunny but muddy day at the park, watching out not to step in the?????????? puddles. Buds have no hesitation to sit on the damp ground so we try to get them to squat instead.

????????????????????While we were taking turns to wash hands we stacked the blocks to make towers. Buds took turns to stack a block each. The highest we could get to was seven. Next time we should put a large block or book at the bottom because we realized the blocks get wobbly balancing ??????????on the carpet.

Have a great weekend

Sharee, Sayaka and Maki
