Enjoyed making new playdough
4 December – Daily Journal
This morning we were busy with painting, stamping, scooping and pouring. Again, red is our color of the month, so this morning some Buds were stamping
with red ink. Dominik enjoyed stamping and he said, “Fish” many times and pointed at the fish stamp. Some Buds finished painting their toilet rolls brown. Maki mentioned they were making some reindeer, and few buds were wondering what a reindeer is… Haruto said, “Santa Claus!” It seemed like some Buds already knew the words, reindeer and Santa Claus are somehow related…. We enjoyed talking about reindeer and Santa Claus.
Sayaka put some colored items in the circle for the Buds to see. Some red cars, buses, blocks, a spiderman costume, a slice of tomato, and an apple….Oh, they are all red! Some children said, “Aka” in Japanese and learned the word red in English. Everyone had to go around the room and find as many red items as they could, and as quickly as they could. All of our Buds found between 2 to 5 items. Buds were able to find red items very quickly so Sayaka added a few blue, yellow, and green items. It was a bit tricky because we only had to find the red items. But, we were able to find red items and successfully brought them back to the circle! Since we had a special activity before our snack time, we did only one dancing song today. The song
was our favorite song called “Freeze”. Most Buds stopped when the music stops, and we even make poses now.
Yay! We made new Play dough today! Since buds loved playing with our orange play dough, we decided to make some new play dough and it’s a shiny cinnamon play dough. Buds took turns mixing all the ingredients together. Now we know how we use both hands when we pour something into the bowl. Also, buds are getting very good at waiting for their turns. We are so happy to see Buds are progressing.
While we were walking to the park, Maki sang the marching song. At the park, we were busy running. We run up to the slide and once we got back to the ground, we started running again. We saw lots of smiling faces at the park as well. Yes, we needed some rest from all the running, so we sat on the bench with our friends. It was very cold when we we’re heading to the park, but by the time we were going back to school, we weren’t cold anymore!
Thank you
Sayaka, Maki and Goh