Our Flower Garden and Ethan's Ultrasound Pictures
We saw the Christmas tree on the table that we started to decorate yesterday and next to it were some small ornaments. The ornaments were made of wood and Ava told us they looked they were made in Germany and she was right. There is already quite a lot of color and decoration on the tree and so we could each choose 3 of the ornaments and put them on the tree. Next to the tree on the table we saw the card tubes we decorated with gold and silver paint. The teachers had kindly cut them into 6 pieces and we are going to use these to make a Christmas decoration for our mummies and daddies. To make the decoration we needed to squash the tubes from a circle to an oval shape. This was very easy. We then
put a little bit of white glue on the sides of the tubes and using a tiny peg joined the pieces together. It was a little difficult to press with our fingers and thumbs to open the pegs but
with a little practice we got a lot better at it. The pieces were glued together to make a snowflake shape and we will work on these a little more tomorrow. On the carpet there were lots of Montessori color materials which we sorted according to their colors. There were some colored matchsticks, Lego pieces and even pom-poms too. Some of us helped Darren put up the ceiling decorations by holding the other end of them and a small push pin. Darren then stood on a chair and we suggested where to put the decorations. They look really good and all sparkly in the classroom. After our snack we got ready for the park and then suddenly realized we needed to hurry a little as it
was time to meet the gardeners in the park to put in some new flowers. When we arrived we saw they
had brought us 24 beautiful pansies in small pots. First we needed to move some of the old plants to make room for the new ones. Together we then took the pansies out of their pots and saw all the small white roots in the bottom of each pot. Using two hands we then carefully placed the pansies into the trough in a line. We had to leave a little bit of space between each pot so that the flowers had some room to grow. We had yellow, dark red, yellow & purple, white and purple, orange and purple pansies to put in. It took us a while to fill in the soil around each flower but they now look great. Please take a look in Step Park if you get a minute. When we got back from the park it was time for Ethan’s Show & Tell. Ethan brought along 2 boxes, a photograph and a book. When he
opened the boxes he said that they contained his ‘Mummy’s cord’. These were the umbilical cords from when they were born. The photographs were the ultrasound pictures showing Ethan and Ryan in their mummy’s tummy. The book was all about anatomy and he had a bookmark to show the page with babies inside their mothers. Ethan explained that he liked the boxes and the contents and walked slowly around showing his friends before answering some questions about his items. He did a great job, well done Ethan! In circle time we again sang our rainbow color song together and then we each got a secret item wrapped in paper. The items were from 4 colored boxes and because they were wrapped in paper we believed they were maybe candy.
When we un-wrapped them we discovered they were different sized colored blocks. When we looked at the end shape we saw
a circle but it was longer and Darren told us it was called a cylinder. We then worked in 2 groups, red and yellow. We needed to work in turns to make a tower and soon we built a yellow and a red tower side by side. We soon discovered that the towers were different heights and so the cylinders must be different lengths too. We haven’t looked at the Blue and Green cylinders yet and hope to get time this afternoon.
Have a great afternoon.