Boats in the water, airplanes in the sky

28 November – Daily Journal

??????????This morning Buds spent a long time at the tables. Making snakes and food with the play dough and slicing and cutting the dough.

We also had some Montessori trays out too and Buds were busy scooping and ??????????pouring using rice, acorns and chickpeas. Some Buds now automatically use two hands when holding the jug and pouring the rice or chickpeas into the bowl. Some Buds are still learning it’s best to use two hands to have more control, especially when we pour liquids. ??????????Buds used the tongs to pick up the acorns. The big acorns were easy (easier) to pick up but the small acorns were more of a challenge.

We had the wooden blocks on the floor and Buds wanted to look for their ??????????families more than make towers or houses today. Faith said “Mummy, Lisa” several times when she was looking for the block with her mummy. Maki doesn’t know everyone’s (parents) faces or names yet so it is a good game for her too! Yurika brought her Life book back and was happy to ??????????show it to her friends. Buds were also taking turns to hold the bumble bee and sing our name song.

 In circle time today we found our names and put them in the rectangle. Then we made space to put our map and looked at the ??????????water but there was nothing in the water. “What goes in the water” asked Sharee and some Buds said “Boat/boats go in the water”. We looked at a picture of a yacht too and realized that goes in the water. It has a big sail that the wind blows to push it along. We did our ‘Transportation Actions’ ??????????song around the map, folded it up and it was time for some more dancing.

In story time we looked at a brown book and then read a Hairy Mclairy book about a cat who liked to swipe things from the neighborhood. But then they fell on him because he had too many things. His ??????????family made him take them all back so it was ok in the end.

At the park today when some Buds went on the yellow swing their feet were ??????????scraping on the ground and they realized they are getting too big for this swing. It was a cute realization to see.

Have a great weekend

Sharee, Sayaka and Saki
